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Redux on Android

This is a port of the Redux paradigm for building apps, built specifically for use on the Android platform. It uses native Android constructs including Lifecycle Aware components, LiveData, ViewModels etc to achieve the Redux spec.

(Image source: reduxjs/redux#653 (comment))

NOTE: This library is currently in beta stage. The APIs are mostly frozen, but internals may change.

Getting Started

Add the jitpack repository to your root build.gradle

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url "" }

Add the android-RDX dependency:

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.flipkart-incubator:android-RDX:v1.0.0'



To begin with, create implementations of the State & Action interfaces:

public class AppState implements State<AppState> {

    public String screenState;
    // All internal objects/primitives must be synced here, for preventing leaks & changing state references on every update.
    public void sync(@NonNull AppState currentState) {
        this.screenState = currentState.screenState;
public class AppAction implements Action {

    public HashMap<String, String> payload; // This can be anything. The Action interface only enforces the #getType() method.

    public String getType() {
        return "EXAMPLE_ACTION";

Then, create a Reducer as follows:

public class AppReducer implements Reducer<AppState, AppAction> {
    public AppState reduce(@NonNull AppState oldState, @NonNull AppAction action) {
        AppState newState = new AppState();

        switch (action.getType()) {
            case "CHANGE_SCREEN": {
                String newScreen = ((ChangeScreenAction) action).getScreenName();
                return newState;
        return newState;

To initialize the Redux Store, extend ReduxViewModel & implement the initializeStore() method:

public class AppReduxViewModel extends ReduxViewModel<AppState, AppAction> {

    protected Store<AppState, AppAction> initializeStore() {
        AppState initState = new AppState(); //initialize your state here.
        return new Store<>(initState, new AppReducer(), new LoggingMiddleware());

The Store constructor takes in the following arguments:

Store(@NonNull S initialState, @NonNull Reducer<S, A> reducer, @Nullable Middleware<S, A>... middlewareList)

Finally, instantiate a new ReduxController inside your Activity/Fragment:

public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {

    ReduxController<AppState, AppAction, AppReduxViewModel> reduxController;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        reduxController = new ReduxController<>(AppReduxViewModel.class, this::updateState, this, this, true);

    public void updateState(@Nullable AppState state) {...}

The ReduxController constructor takes in the following arguments:

ReduxController(@NonNull Class<T> reduxViewModelClass, Observer<S> observer, @NonNull FragmentActivity activity, @NonNull LifecycleOwner lifecycleOwner, boolean distinctUntilChanged)

*Note that for enabling the distinctUntilChanged functionality (only getting redux store updates when the state is modified), your app's state MUST implement equals() & hashcode() correctly.

You can also (optionally) create your Middleware as per your use case, and provide it to your ReduxViewModel implementation via the initializeStore() method above, for eg:

public class LoggingMiddleware implements Middleware<AppState, AppAction> {

    public void dispatch(@NonNull AppAction action, @NonNull ReduxStore<AppState, AppAction> store, @Nullable Dispatcher<AppAction> next) {
        Log.d("TEST", " The current action type is: " + action.type + " Payload: " + action.payload);
        if (next != null) {


After the setup flow above, we are now ready to 'dispatch' an action & observe on state updates. To dispatch an action, use the dispatch function provided by the controller, wherever necessary.:

   button.setOnClickListener(v -> {
        HashMap<String, String> payload = new HashMap<>();
        String currentScreen = "NEW_SCREEN";
        payload.put("screen", currentScreen);
        reduxController.dispatch(new AppAction("CHANGE_SCREEN", payload));

You can also expose the redux controller to any MVC/VM/Whatever instance via the Activity context, for executing dispatches appropriately.

Once this dispatch is consumed by the Store & a new state has been reduced, the Activity/Fragment will be notified via the Observer<S extends State> callback provided to the ReduxController:

    // handle state updates here.
    public void updateState(@Nullable AppState state) {
        if (textView != null && state != null) {


The Apache License

Copyright (c) 2020 Flipkart Internet Pvt. Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.