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fish 3.1.1 (released April 27, 2020)

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@zanchey zanchey released this 27 Apr 14:27
· 7517 commits to master since this release

Download links: To download the source code for fish, use the file named "fish-3.1.1.tar.gz". The SHA-256 sum of this file is 07dc78eea3bc4cbd490b2f2a2e19e5771ac9e3b6b1a75893039ad8b34d6122b8. The file downloaded from "Source code (tar.gz)" will not build correctly. A GPG signature from David Adam (0x7A67D962D88A709A) is available as "fish-3.1.1.tar.gz.asc".

This release of fish fixes a number of major issues discovered in fish 3.1.0.

  • Commands which involve . ( ... | psub) now work correctly, as a bug in the function --on-job-exit option has been fixed (#6613).
  • Conflicts between upstream packages for ripgrep and bat, and the fish packages, have been resolved (#5822).
  • Starting fish in a directory without read access, such as via su, no longer crashes (#6597).
  • Glob ordering changes which were introduced in 3.1.0 have been reverted, returning the order of globs to the previous state (#6593).
  • Redirections using the deprecated caret syntax to a file descriptor (eg ^&2) work correctly (#6591).
  • Redirections that append to a file descriptor (eg 2>>&1) work correctly (#6614).
  • Building fish on macOS (#6602) or with new versions of GCC (#6604, #6609) is now successful.
  • time is now correctly listed in the output of builtin -n, and time --help works correctly (#6598).
  • Exported universal variables now update properly (#6612).
  • status current-command gives the expected output when used with an environment override - that is, F=B status current-command returns status instead of F=B (#6635).
  • test no longer crashes when used with "nan" or "inf" arguments, erroring out instead (#6655).
  • Copying from the end of the command line no longer crashes fish (#6680).
  • read no longer removes multiple separators when splitting a variable into a list, restoring the previous behaviour from fish 3.0 and before (#6650).
  • Functions using --on-job-exit and --on-process-exit work reliably again (#6679).
  • Functions using --on-signal INT work reliably in interactive sessions, as they did in fish 2.7 and before (#6649). These handlers have never worked in non-interactive sessions, and making them work is an ongoing process.
  • Functions using --on-variable work reliably with variables which are set implicitly (rather than with set), such as "fish_bind_mode" and "PWD" (#6653).
  • 256 colors are properly enabled under certain conditions that were incorrectly detected in fish 3.1.0 ($TERM begins with xterm, does not include "256color", and $TERM_PROGRAM is not set) (#6701).
  • The Mercurial (hg) prompt no longer produces an error when the current working directory is removed (#6699). Also, for performance reasons it shows only basic information by default; to restore the detailed status, set $fish_prompt_hg_show_informative_status.
  • The VCS prompt, fish_vcs_prompt, no longer displays Subversion (svn) status by default, due to the potential slowness of this operation (#6681).
  • Pasting of commands has been sped up (#6713).
  • Using extended Unicode characters, such as emoji, in a non-Unicode capable locale (such as the C or POSIX locale) no longer renders all output blank (#6736).
  • help prefers to use xdg-open, avoiding the use of open on Debian systems where this command is actually openvt (#6739).
  • Command lines starting with a space, which are not saved in history, now do not get autosuggestions. This fixes an issue with Midnight Commander integration (#6763), but may be changed in a future version.
  • Copying to the clipboard no longer inserts a newline at the end of the content, matching fish 2.7 and earlier (#6927).
  • fzf in complex pipes no longer hangs. More generally, code run as part of command substitutions or eval will no longer have separate process groups. (#6624, #6806).

This release also includes:

  • a number of changes to improve macOS compatibility with code signing and notarization;
  • a number of improvements to completions; and
  • a number of content and formatting improvements to the documentation.

If you are upgrading from version 3.0.0 or before, please also review the release notes for 3.1.0 and 3.1b1.

Errata for fish 3.1

A new builtin, time, was introduced in the fish 3.1 releases. This builtin is a reserved word (like test, function, and others) because of the way it is implemented, and functions can no longer be named time. This was not clear in the fish 3.1b1 release notes.