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hapi-view-context Build Status

Helpers to automate the task of loading data into view rendering contexts. Keeps your route handlers clean!


npm install hapi-view-context


hapi-view-context lets you set up data in the current view rendering context in one of four ways:

  1. pass static global-level default key:value pairs (in the plugin options context field) that will be added to all contexts:
const viewContextPlugin = require('hapi-view-context');
await server.register({
  plugin: viewContext,
  options: {
    context: {
      siteVersion: '2.4.3',
      copyright: 'Copyright (c) 2021 by You'

siteVersion and copyright will now be available every time you render a view

  1. pass a global-level context-handling function or server method (in the plugin options contextHandler field), that will be invoked whenever 'onPostHandler' is called:
await server.register({
  plugin: viewContext,
  options: {
    contextHandler: (context, request) => { =;
      context.time = new Date();
      context.user = await request.server.users.find({ _id: context.userId });
      return context;

This function is re-invoked every time you render a view, so it is very useful for when you have dynamic data that you want to make available for all of your views.

  1. set a global-level context-handling function directly on the server using server.plugins['hapi-view-context'].setViewContext. Like the contextHandler function above, the additional context-handler will then be invoked whenever 'onPostHandler' is called:
server.plugins['hapi-view-context'].setViewContext( (context, request) => { =;
  return context;
  1. set request-level contexts inside route handlers and in response to request events with addContext.
server.plugins['hapi-view-context].addContext(request, { id: });


// register the plugin with a hapi server:
  register: require('hapi-view-context'),
  options: {
    // static global-level default key:value pairs in 'context' will be added to all contexts:
    context: {
      siteName: 'Zombo.Com',
      clickText: 'Click Me!',
      isAdmin: false
    // a global-level context-handling function will be called on every request:
    contextHandler(context, request) {
      context.fromContextMethod = 'a value from the context method';
      if ( { = id;
      if (request.state.session && request.state.session.isAdmin) {
        context.isAdmin = true;
      return context;
// a context handler that will be able to modify the context for every request
server.plugins['hapi-view-context'].setViewContext((defaultContext, request) => {
  defaultContext.fromSetViewContext = 'a value from setViewContext';
  return defaultContext;
// a route that renders a view:
  method: 'GET',
  path: '/',
  handler: (request, reply) => {
    // the route handler does not need to do anything else besides call the view renderer:

Assuming that 'myView' is an HTML view that looks something like:

<button> {{clickText}} </button>
{% if isAdmin %}
<button>Admin Menu </button>
{% endif %}

Then getting the '/' route will render myView as the following:

<h1> Zombo.Com</h1>
<button> Click Me! </button>

And getting it while logged in as an admin:

<h1> Zombo.Com</h1>
<button> Click Me! </button>
<button> Admin Menu </button>

We can add to the context for a specific request as well:

let calledOnce = false;
server.ext('onPostHandler', (request, h) => {
  // addContext will only add to the context for the current request:
  if (!calledOnce) {
    server.plugins['hapi-view-context'].addContext(request, { clickText: 'Welcome Back' });
  calledOnce = true;
  return h.continue();

Fetching '/' the first time will now return:

<h1> Zombo.Com</h1>
<button> Click Me! </button>

But subsequent calls will not have the context that was added to the previous request:

<h1> Zombo.Com</h1>
<button> Welcome Back </button>


  • context

    Default context object for view handlers

  • contextHandler

    Context-handling methods

  • enableDebug

    Will log debug info whenever a context is loaded