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Octo is a JSON API abstraction layer built on top of Alamofire for your iOS projects written in Swift 3+


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OctoAPI 🐙

CocoaPods license Platform

Octo is a JSON API abstraction layer built on top of Alamofire for your iOS projects written in Swift 3+. It removes the usual and boring setup of API connectors with easy to use set of Adapter, Connector, and Paging classes.

Swift compatibility

Swift version OctoAPI Version
4.X >= 0.5.0
3.X < 0.5.0

Features ✨

  • Easy interaction with any REST API
  • Included authorization class based on OAuth 2.0 grant-type=password authorization
  • Changing between production and sandbox environment with flip of a switch
  • Easy to use paging
  • Custom logger to quickly determine any problems
  • Allows customization to support other authorization protocols (just create your custom class!)

Basic Usage

If you configure all the necessary classes, the basic usage is as follows:

  • You prepare your request using the OctoRequest class, by providing the endpoint, method, etc.
  • You call the run method of your Connector class with the request as a parameter
  • You parse the response data with DataParser of your choice
var request = OctoRequest(endpoint: "examples") request) { (error, data, paging) in
    if error == nil {
        if let examples = GlossDataParser.parse(collection: data, withType: ExampleModel.self), let example = examples.first {
            //Do anything with the parsed model here


An example for GetResponse Blog API can be found in the Example directory of the project.
It uses no Authorization, making it perfect for testing public APIs.


  1. Add pod 'OctoAPI' to your Podfile
  2. Run pod install
  3. Add import OctoAPI wherever you want to use the library

Setup ⚒

For each of your APIs used in your project, you need to define a set of classes:

  • OctoConnector subclass - as a shared instance that you will be calling to make your calls to API with. It implements the Callable protocol under the hood. If you need more configuration than the Octo class is providing, you need to implement the Callable protocol in your custom class.
  • Adapter protocol class passed to the Callable class with all the necessary configuration of your API
  • Authorization class if your API requires authorization (Optional)
  • Paging class if you want to use paging features in your API (Optional)


Adapter protocol class is holding the configuration for your API that is used in your project. Example:

struct ExampleAPIAdapter : Adapter {
    var productionURL: String = "PRODUCTION_URL_HERE"
    var productionVersion: String = "PRODUCTION_VERSION_HERE"
    var sandboxURL: String = "SANDBOX_URL_HERE"
    var sandboxVersion: String = "SANDBOX_VERSION HERE"
    var mode : AdapterMode = .sandbox //choose over .sandbox or .production
    var errorDomain: String = "com.example.error" //used to map errors
    var authorizer: Authorizable? {
        get {
            let params = ExampleAuthParameters(baseURL: versionedURL)
            return GrantTypePasswordAuthorization(parameters: params)


The library also comes with built-in suppoort for Gloss - in my opinion best JSON mapping library for Swift - make a use of it with the GlossDataParser class as follows:

//Object parsing
if let example = GlossDataParser.parse(object: data, withType: ExampleModel.self) {
	//Do anything with the parsed model here

//Collection parsing
if let examples = GlossDataParser.parse(collection: data, withType: ExampleModel.self), let example = examples.first {
	//Do anything with the parsed model here


If your API uses paging, create a subclass of Paging class, override the parameters to match your API needs and add it to the OctoBuilder class when building a request by passing limit and offset parameters to the initializer.

Paging data parsed from the response is passed into the completion block through paging parameter.

You can either use the default approach where paging information is added to the HTTP Headers of the response or use your own implemenation in your Paging subclass by overriding the parse(fromResponse:) method.


This library has a built-in authorization support. For now the only implementation of the Authorizable protocol is the GrantTypePasswordAuthorization class with implementation of OAuth 2.0 Grant Type Password type of authorization that holds your access token in the device secure Keychain.

The implementation is calling a given API for a new Access Token if the token has expired during the request, suspending any other requests made on that Connector instance. When the new Access Token is obtained

You can either use this implementation or use your own class with other types of authorization if your application needs it.

To use the Authorization class, you need to provide set of parameters, defined in AuthorizationParameters protocol and pass it to the initializer like so:

struct ExampleAuthParameters : AuthorizationParameters {
    var endpoint: String = "token"
    var serviceName: String = "SERVICE_NAME" //Service name used to store your access token in the Keychain
    var clientID: String = ""
    var baseURL: String //You are most likely to use a baseURL through initializer to match with your versioned URL of the API
    public init(baseURL : String) {
        self.baseURL = baseURL

let params = ExampleAuthParameters(baseURL: versionedURL)
let authorizer = GrantTypePasswordAuthorization(parameters: params)

To use the Authorization class you want to use, pass the object as a authorizer parameter to your Adapter class. After that, you need to perform an authorization in your project like so:

if let authorizer = ExampleAPIConnector.sharedInstance.adapter.authorizer {
	let login = ""
	let password = ""
	authorizer.performAuthorization(login: login, password: password, completion: { (error) in
	    if error == nil {
	        //run anything you want after the successful authorization
	    } else {
	        //catch any errors


  1. Implement error mapping to JSON on call failure
  2. Unit Tests


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Add your changes
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request




Octo is a JSON API abstraction layer built on top of Alamofire for your iOS projects written in Swift 3+







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