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🐛 Bug
:bug: Bug
Something isn't working
⚙️ API Dependant
:gear: API Dependant
Something needs to be worked on the API to resolve this issue
🆕 New feature
:new: New feature
New feature or request
🙏 Help wanted
:pray: Help wanted
Extra attention is needed
❓ Question
:question: Question
Further information is requested
😡 Duplicate
:rage: Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
♻️ Refactor
:recycle: Refactor
Improvements of code
💀 SISEI dependant
:skull: SISEI dependant
Something needs to be worked with SISEI to resolve this issue
😴 Documentation
:sleeping: Documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
👾 Invalid
:space_invader: Invalid
This doesn't seem right