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Optimism is Ethereum, scaled.

OP Stack Specification

This repository contains the Specs Book.

Please chat with us on the discussion board.


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Rust Toolchain

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

mdbook + plugins

cargo install mdbook mdbook-katex mdbook-linkcheck mdbook-mermaid

just installation

brew install just

Serving the book locally

just serve


doctoc is used to automatically add a table of contents.

just lint-specs-toc-check

To fix markdown linting errors:

just lint-specs-md-fix

See the markdownlint rule reference and an example config file.

Justification for linting rules in .markdownlint.json:

  • line_length (!strict && stern): don't trip up on url lines
  • no-blanks-blockquote: enable multiple consecutive blockquotes separated by white lines
  • single-title: enable reusing <h1> for content
  • no-emphasis-as-heading: enable emphasized paragraphs

To lint links:

just lint-links

lychee is used for linting links.