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A simple application for managing users, cats, and vomit incidents. Each user owns cats, and each cat can have mutliple incidents. This is the backend for the application.

Requirements: PostgreSQL 15.4 MongoDB 6.0.9 Maven 3.8.7 cURL (for testing) Docker 24.0.5 (if desired) Docker Compose 2.18.1 (if desired)

API: For all endpoints besides /api/login, the cookie "AppsessionID" must be set with a value contained within the cookie returned by /api/login. If this does not happen the endpoint will return with a 403. The session expires after 10 minutes after the last API call made with the session, which is configurable.

/api/cats: POST: creates and returns a new cat. The ID is irrelevant. GET: gets a list of cats owned by the user associated with the session cookie. /api/cats/{id}: GET: gets the cat with this id. DELETE: deletes the cat (if authorized to do so), no return value. PATCH: update the cat (if authorized to do so), returns the new cat /api/cat-image: POST: Provide a cat's ID and a JPG, associates a cat with a picture (internally stores the document ID from mongodb image DB) /api/cat-image/{id}: GET: Retrieve a cat's image. Returns the image as a JPG, or nothing if there is no image. /api/incidents: POST: creates and returns a new incident. The ID is irrelevant. GET: gets a list of incidents owned by the user associated with the session cookie. /api/incidents/cat/{id}: GET: gets a list of incidents owned by the user associated with the session cookie that belong to the cat with ID id. /api/incidents/{id}: GET: gets the cat with this ID DELETE: deletes the incident (if authorized to do so), no return value. PATCH: update the incident (if authorized to do so), returns the new incident. The cat associated with the incident cannot be changed. /api/login: POST: provide the user/password, and the endpoint will return a cookie with the session ID and the username. /api/logout: POST: Invalidates the session provided /api/users: POST: creates a new user /api/users/{id}: GET: Gets the user information from their username PATCH: Updates the user's password DELETE: deletes the user


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