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Azure Service Bus - Performance Benchmark

Benchmarking the performance of Azure Service Bus on Standard and Premium tiers using the Java SDK.

💻 Local Development

You can use this section to run the code locally, prior to running it in the cloud.

Start by creating the Service Bus namespace using a Standard bus tier:

# Upgrade
az bicep upgrade

# Create
az deployment sub create \
  --location brazilsouth \
  --template-file azure/dev/main.bicep \
  --parameters rgLocation=brazilsouth

Get the connection string for the namespace:

az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list -g "rg-servicebus-benchmark-dev" --namespace-name "bus-benchmark-999-dev" --name "RootManageSharedAccessKey" --query "primaryConnectionString" -o tsv

Create the in the root folder from the template:

# Open the file and edit the "connection_string" property
cp config/

Install the latest stable Java in your local machine if you don't have it:

sdk install maven
sdk install java 21-tem

Run the benchmark client:

mvn install
mvn exec:java -Dreactor.schedulers.defaultBoundedElasticSize=100

ℹ️ Due to this known issue, defaultBoundedElasticSize needs to be set for Reactor. Value must be greater than "maxConcurrentCalls".

🚀 Cloud Benchmark

Run the benchmark in the cloud with a Premium namespace.

First, create the Linux VM SSH key pair:

ssh-keygen -f azure/premium/id_rsa

Now create the infrastructure for the benchmark:

# Upgrade
az bicep upgrade

# Create
az deployment sub create \
  --location brazilsouth \
  --template-file azure/premium/main.bicep \
  --parameters rgLocation=brazilsouth vmUsername=bench vmPassword=p4ssw0rd

Once the process is complete, connect to the VM and check if the cloud-init script executed correctly:

ssh -i ./azure/premium/id_rsa bench@<publicIp>

cloud-init status

Download and extract the application code from the latest release:

curl -L -o client.tar.gz
tar -xf client.tar.gz

From the application root, create the properties file:

cp config/

Set up the Service Bus connectivity:

# Get the connection string (run this in your local machine)
az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list -g "rg-servicebus-benchmark-premium" --namespace-name "bus-benchmark-999-premium" --name "RootManageSharedAccessKey" --query "primaryConnectionString" -o tsv

# Edit with the real connection string of the Premium namespace

Change the application properties of the client for a high volume load test. Example:


To control Java memory and JVM configurations:

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx16g"

Run the application:

mvn install
mvn exec:java -Dlogback.configurationFile="logback-benchmark.xml" -Dreactor.schedulers.defaultBoundedElasticSize=1200

📈 Benchmarking Results

Average numbers collected during the tests:

Tier Message Units Send mode Avg. messages / Sec
Premium 1x Single 5,000
Premium 1x Batch 13,888

Namespace resources:

