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🏡 dotfiles configuration



Clone this repo

First step, clone the dotfiles repository to your computer. This can be placed anywhere, and symbolic links will be created to reference it from your home directory.

$ git clone ~/.dotfiles
$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ git submodule update --init --recursive


Every file with a .symlink extension will be symlinked to the ~/ home directory with a . in front of it. For example, vimrc.symlink will be symlinked in the home directory as ~/.vimrc. Additionally, all files in the $DOTFILES/config directory will be symlinked to the ~/.config/ directory for applications that follow the XDG base directory specification, such as neovim.

$ source ./install/

Install Homebrew formulae

Install homebrew if it is not currently installed, then install the homebrew packages listed in

$ source ./install/

Install native apps

Use brew cask to install native apps listed in

$ source ./install/

Local/Private configuration

Any private and custom commands and configuration should be placed in a ~/.localrc file. This file will not be under version control or committed to a public repository. If ~/.localrc exists, it will be sourced for the inclusion of .zshrc.

Here is an example ~/.localrc:

# Git credentials
# Not under version control to prevent people from accidentally committing with your details
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Emmanuel Pilande"
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="[email protected]"
# Set the credentials (modifies ~/.gitconfig)
git config --global "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME"
git config --global "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL"

# Aliases
alias s="cd ~/Sites"
alias p="cd ~/Projects"


Install tmux plugins with tpm by pressing prefix + I.

This will install the plugins listed in .tmux.conf.


Install plugins

Vim plugins are managed by vim-plug, when opening vim for the first time run:

$ nvim +PlugInstall
Nerd fonts for vim-devicons

If you're seeing boxes , this means your current font does not support powerline and nerd fonts. Install nerd-fonts and configure your gui/terminal, in my case iTerm, to use a patched font for non-ascii characters. If you prefer not to do this, then simply remove the Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' plugin from plugins.vim.

My default font is currently Monaco, and for non-ascii characters I'm using Droid Sans Mono Nerd Font.

Node packages

$ npm install -g instant-markdown-d jsonlint prettier


Inspiration and code was taken from many sources, including: