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This is an intermediate course from Nick that makes beginner iOS developers understand and master the basics of SwiftUI. [22/58]

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🚧 SwiftUI

Kaynak/Reference: Swiftful Thinking

Building a custom data type

State management 1

State management 2

State management 3, Custom model, Identifiable Protocol, ViewModel, ObservableObject Protocol, @Published, init(){}, @StateObject, @ObservedObject

State management 4, @EnvironmentObject, .environmentObject()


We will create a fake user onboarding experience in which a user can sign up, add their name, age, gender, and then log in to our application. In this example we will focus on persisting the data with @AppStorage and making beautiful animations with the .transition modifier.

Identifiable, Equatable, Comparable, and Hashable Protocols

Creating a Core Data model, Adding entities, Setting the properties of these entities

Setting up a Core Data stack, Initialize a Persistent Container

Inject the managed object context

Data manipulations in Core Data

Entity relationships, predicates, and delete rules in Core Data

DispatchQueue, DispatchQueue.main.async { }, .global(qos:), .async, Thread.isMainThread, Thread.current, .background, .userInteractive, .userInitiated

How ARC works

Strong reference cycles between class instances and Resolving strong reference cycles between class instances

weak, weak self

typealias name = existing type, typealias CompletionHandler = (Int)->(String)

@escaping, [weak self], self?

JSON, Why Is JSON Used?, Modeling relevant JSON data, JSONSerialization, .jsonObject(with:options:), .data(withJSONObject:options:)

JSON, Why Is JSON Used?, Modeling relevant JSON data, Codable (type alias) Decodable and Encodable protocols, protocol Decoder, protocol Encoder, JSONDecoder(), JSONEncoder(), container.decode(:from:), container.encode(:), CodingKeys, decoder.container(keyedBy:), encoder.container(keyedBy:)

Modeling relevant JSON data, Codable, JSONDecoder(), JSONEncoder(), container.decode(:from:), container.encode(:)

Modeling relevant JSON data, Codable, @Published, URL(), URLRequest(), JSONDecoder(), URLSession, asyn/await, .task {}

Downloading JSON from an API using completionHandler and @escaping

URL, URLSession, URLSession.shared, URLSessionDataTask, Handling Data, Responses and Errors, URLSessionUploadTask, URLSessionDownloadTask, Managing Sessions, Task Lifecycle Management, Background Sessions, Handling Background Events, Handling Cookies and Sessions, Error Handling and Debugging, Concurrency and DispatchQueues, Grand Central Dispatch Integration, Authentication and Security, URLSessionConfiguration

URLSession, URLSession.shared, URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for:), .receive(on:options:), .tryMap(), .decode(type:decoder:), .replaceError(with:), .sink(receiveValue:), .store(in: &self.cancellables):

Timer, .publish(), .autoconnect(), onReceive(publisher:perform:)

Publishers and Subscribers, Timer, .publish(), .autoconnect(), .sink{}, .debounce(for:scheduler:options:), .map(:), .combineLatest(:), .store(in: &self.cancellables):, AnyCancellable

Managing data and images via File Manager

Caching images in the assets folder

Downloading and saving images using Codable, Combine Framework, Background threads, FileManager and NSCache


This is an intermediate course from Nick that makes beginner iOS developers understand and master the basics of SwiftUI. [22/58]







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