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Simple react packages for building modern Lisk dApps


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Lisk React

Simple react packages for building modern Lisk dApps


A react application built for the Lisk ecosystem will most likely use the following features:

  • listen to blockchain changes such as (new blocks, active connections)
  • Authenticate a user wallet for accessing private routes

For that, we introduce a global Lisk Context Provider:


import { LiskProvider } from '@lisk-react/use-lisk'

const targetNetwork = {
    nodeUrl: 'http://localhost:4000',
    wsUrl: 'ws://localhost:4001/ws'

function App () {
  return (
    <LiskProvider targetNetwork={targetNetwork}>
      {/* <...> */}

LiskProvider brings you out of the box websocket connection, a wallet to authenticate the user and an up-to-date LiskAPIClient with all of the components listening to your given endpoints at the start.


useClient can be called from within any function component to access context variables such as isConnected, setTargetNetwork


import { useClient } from '@lisk-react/use-lisk'

function Component () {
  const { network: { isConnected, endpoint } } = useClient()
  const { block, accounts } = useBlock()
  // ...

The hook returns to the following interface:

interface UseClientProps {
  network?: {
      isConnected: boolean // Indicator if LiskProvider is connected with the blockchain
      endpoint: { // Your given endpoints to LiskProvider
          wsUrl: string
          nodeUrl: string


useWallet can be called from within any function component to access context variables such as isAuthenicated, authenticate, generateAccount or logout


import { useWallet } from '@lisk-react/use-lisk'

function Component () {
  const { authenticate, isAuthenicated } = useWallet()
  // ...

The hook returns to the following interface:

interface UseWalletProps {
    account?: LiskAccount; // An up-to-date account when authenticated
    isAuthenticated: boolean; // indicator if the user is authenticated
    loading: boolean; // A state transition between authenticating and fetching the blockchain state
    generate(): LiskAccount; // A function that generate a random account
    logout(): void; // A reset function for the wallet
    setAccount(account: LiskAccount): void; // Persisting a generated account in the wallet
    authenticate(passphrase: string): void; // Authenticating the user via a given passphrase


useBlock can be called from within any function component to access the most recent blocks with their involved accounts


import { useBlock } from '@lisk-react/use-lisk'

function Component () {
  const { block, accounts } = useBlock()
  // ...
The hook returns to the following interface:

interface UseWalletProps {
  block: Block // The latest decoded block produced by the blockchain
  accounts: LiskAccount[] // All decoded accounts involved in the last block


A react application built for the Lisk ecosystem will most likely authenticate users so that part of the application can become private vs. public. The developer will need to define a authenication methods and make sure that application can react to user changes with ease. The useWallet() library will abstract all of those settings into an easy to use React hook.


import { LiskWalletProvider } from '@lisk-react/use-wallet'

function App () {
  return (
      {/* <...> */}


useLiskWallet can be called from within any function component to access context variables such as isAuthenicated, authenticate, generateAccount or logout


import { useLiskWallet } from '@lisk-react/use-wallet'

function Component () {
  const { authenticate, isAuthenticated } = useLiskWallet()
  // ...