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Releases: ember-redux/ember-redux


05 Feb 13:56
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ember-redux now works with Octane by supporting Glimmer Components along side Ember Components. One notable change is that this release only supports ember 3.6+ so if you need to support an older version of ember stick with the v5.0 release.

Upgrade ember redux to v6.0.0

ember install [email protected]

Report success or bugs

This is the first octane friendly release of ember redux so please let us know if you find edge cases with either Glimmer Component or Ember Component (or anything else in the redux ecosystem that suddenly stops working).

Thank you!!!

This release wouldn't be possible without @raghavbk as he did all the heavy lifting for Glimmer Component. Thank you so much for the great work and quick turnaround!


20 Aug 15:09
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ember-redux now uses ember-auto-import for redux dependencies. Node 8+ is required.

Step 1 - Upgrade ember redux to v5.0.0

ember install [email protected]

Step 2 - Remove the ember-redux-shim dependency

ember-redux-shim is no longer necessary as ember-redux now uses ember-auto-import to bring in the redux library.

npm uninstall ember-redux-shim --save-dev

Step 3 - If using redux-thunk middleware, explicitly configure it

Previous versions of ember-redux configured redux-thunk by default. This now needs to be explicitly configured.


import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
export default [thunk];

Step 4 - [Optional] Replace any ember-redux shims with the direct packages and ember-auto-import


$ npm uninstall ember-redux-thunk-shim --save-dev
$ ember install ember-auto-import
$ npm install redux-thunk --save-dev


$ npm uninstall ember-redux-saga-shim --save-dev
$ ember install ember-auto-import
$ npm install redux-saga --save-dev


10 Jun 20:48
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ember redux and related shims are now redux 4 ready! Users will need to update their projects.

Step 1 - Upgrade ember redux to v4.0.0

ember install [email protected]

This will update ember-redux-shim to v4.0.0 and ember-redux-thunk-shim to v2.5.0 in your package.json. As a result this will also update redux to v4.0.0 and redux-thunk to v2.3.0 in your package.json.

Step 2 - Remove the ember lodash shim dependency

In prior versions of ember redux the ember-lodash-shim was required because redux itself relied on lodash for lodash/isPlainObject. When redux v4.0.0 landed the lodash dependency was removed. If you are not using lodash in your project explicitly you can now remove this from your package.json

"ember-lodash-shim": "^2.0.0"

Step 3 - Read over the redux v4.0.0 release notes

The latest release of redux is more evolution than revolution so not many breaking changes to highlight. That said, I still recommend looking over the changelog to see what has happened since the v3.0.0 release back in Sept 2015.

Release notes

  • redux v4.0.0
  • redux-thunk v2.3.0
  • drop ember lodash shim dependency
  • reboot of the guides to include angle bracket syntax


  • [REDUX]: updated to redux v4.0.0
  • [DOCS]: updated guides to ember v3.2 + angle bracket syntax
  • [TESTS]: add component integration test for replaceReducer


18 Sep 01:07
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ember redux and related shims are now babel 6 ready! Users will need to update their projects.

Step 1 - Upgrade ember redux to v3.0.0

npm install --save-dev [email protected]

Step 2 - Install the latest shims for babel 6

ember generate ember-redux

This will update ember-redux-shim to v2.5.0 and ember-redux-thunk-shim to v2.4.0 in your package.json. If you haven't already it's also recommended that you update ember-cli-babel to v6.8.2

Step 3 - Export using combineReducers from the root reducer

In prior versions of ember redux you could export an object literal with each reducer or you could export using combineReducers. In v3.0.0 we decided on a single option for consistency across projects.

So this:

import posts from './posts';

export default {

becomes this:

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import posts from './posts';

export default combineReducers({

Step 4 - Update any connect and route imports

In prior versions of ember redux the import path for connect and route were verbose. In the 2x series we deprecated these lengthy imports in favor of something more concise.

So this:

import connect from 'ember-redux/components/connect';

const stateToComputed = state => ({
  posts: state.posts.all

export default connect(stateToComputed)();

becomes this:

import { connect } from 'ember-redux';

const stateToComputed = state => ({
  posts: state.posts.all

export default connect(stateToComputed)();

Release notes

  • ember-cli-babel v6.6.0+ ready including the new shims migration
  • redux and redux thunk shims have been updated to support babel 6
  • new public website for documentation and examples
  • drop support for legacy connect and route import paths
  • drop support for object literal export of reducers
  • drop support for node 4 & 5
  • drop support for ember-cli < 2.4.3


  • [DEPENDENCY]: release v3.0.0
  • [DOCS]: new jekyll website


31 Jan 17:17
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redux and redux-thunk are now added to the build with shims instead of ember-browserify. Users will need to update their projects.

Step 1 - Upgrade ember-redux

npm install --save-dev [email protected]

Step 2 - Install the shims

ember generate ember-redux

This will add ember-redux-shim and ember-redux-thunk-shim to your package.json. These packages will manage redux and redux-thunk so that you can import them from your Ember application.

Step 3 - Remove npm tags

If you have them, you no longer need them! In fact, if you leave the npm: tags in place, ember-browserify will continue bundling redux and redux-thunk and you will end up with two copies of each—one from the shims, and one from browserify! Bad things will happen.

So this:

import redux from 'npm:redux';

becomes this:

import redux from 'redux';

Step 4 (optional) - Remove ember-browserify

If ember-redux is the only package you were using ember-browserify for, you may safely remove ember-browserify from your devDependencies.

Release notes

  • ember-browserify is no longer required and has been removed from the installation blueprint
  • ember-redux-shim and ember-redux-thunk-shim have been added to the installation blueprint
  • the optional reducer is no longer included


  • [DOCS]: new ember-twiddle for 2.0
  • [DEPENDENCY]: upgraded redux/thunk shims in package.json
  • [DOCS]: removed any mention of npm: from the docs/readme
  • [REMOVAL]: killed the optional reducer api from 1x
  • [BUILD]: Use Ember shims for redux packages instead of ember-browserify


09 Jan 04:04
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  • [DEPENDENCY]: upgraded redux/redux-saga in the package.json (#78)
  • [FEATURE]: the component instance is now available as this for non [phat]Arrow (#60)
  • [BUILD]: upgraded to eslint from jshint (#76)
  • [BUILD]: updated travis and code climate badges (#75)