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Electra One base firmware


The following steps will compile ElectraOne base firmware with the Demo application compiled in:

  1. Download the ARM GNU Toolchain. You can get it at GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain Downloads.
  2. Install it or make symlinks so that the bin, lib, share, arm-none-eabi directories are located in the /usr/local/arm directory. If the location is not suitable, provide Makefile with alternative COMPILERPATH variable.
  3. Switch to the project root directory and run ./scripts/install-tools. On windows, you will most likely encounter compilation errors. I am working on it. Ignore it for now.
  4. Build the firmware with make all
  5. Make sure your ElectraOne is connected to the computer with a USB cable and run make upload.

If you got compilation errors when running ./scripts/install-tools, the make upload will fail. In that case you can upload the firmware image using the ElectraOneConsole app. You can find the firmware.img file in the build directory.

Building custom app

If you were able to compile and run the firmware with the default Demo app, you can compile a custom app by taking following steps. Minimal HelloWorld application will be used to demonstrate that.

  1. Download or clone the Demo applications from the GitHub.
  2. Place the demos directory next to the firmware directory.
  3. Switch to the firmware directory and create a symlink to the app, ln -s ../demos/helloworld
  4. Run make APPPATH=helloworld upload. This will build the firmware with the HelloWorld compiled in and the firmware will be uploaded to the ElectraOne controller.