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Auto plugin for helm charts! This plugin can do the following:

  • Sets helm package version to auto version
  • Updates local dependencies to auto version (if version specified is 0.0.0-local or the value specified in the replaceVersionString param)
  • Replaces file://.... with repository value if replaceFileWithRepository is set to true
  • Updates documentation using helm-docs if useHelmDocs is set to true
  • Pushes packages to chartmuseum (using cm-push plugin) if push is set to true


This plugin has the following dependencies:

  • helm: required
  • helm-docs: required if HELM_PLUGIN_USE_HELM_DOCS is set to true
  • cm-push: required if HELM_PLUGIN_ENABLE_PUSH is set to true

To use in your projects, add this to you .autorc file under plugins section:

  "plugins": [
    ["auto-plugin-helm", {
      "enableCanary": true,
      "enablePrelreases": true,
      "recursive": true,
      "useHelmDocs": true,
      "enablePush": true,
      "forcePush": true,
      "repository": "@myRepoAlias",
      "publishRepository": "myRepoAlias"

github actions

You can use this with GitHub actions as follows:

- name: Setup Helm
  uses: azure/setup-helm@v3
- name: Setup helm-docs
  run: |
    sudo dpkg -i helm-docs_1.11.0_Linux_x86_64.deb
    rm helm-docs_1.11.0_Linux_x86_64.deb
- name: Setup Helm Push Plugin
  run: helm plugin install
- name: Add Chartmuseum repo
  run: helm repo add local $CHARTMUSEUM_BASE_URL
- env:
    GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  run: npx auto shipit


setting description environment variable default
path Path to charts HELM_PLUGIN_PATH .
recursive Search for all charts in path HELM_PLUGIN_RECURSIVE false
forcePush Force push chart versions HELM_PLUGIN_FORCE_PUSH false
push Push charts to repository HELM_PLUGIN_PUSH false
enableCanary Enable canary builds HELM_PLUGIN_ENABLE_CANARY false
enablePrereleases Enable prelrease builds HELM_PLUGIN_ENABLE_PRERELEASE false
replaceVersionString Replace version placeholder with current version HELM_PLUGIN_REPLACE_VERSION_STRING true
replaceFileWithRepository Replace local file references with remote repository reference HELM_PLUGIN_REPLACE_FILE_WITH_REPOSITORY false
repository Repository to replace file references with HELM_PLUGIN_REPOSITORY ''
versionString Default version string to replace HELM_PLUGIN_VERSION_STRING 0.0.0-local
useHelmDocs Use helm-docs to update HELM_PLUGIN_USE_HELM_DOCS false
publishPath Local path to use for packaged charts HELM_PLUGIN_PUBLISH_PATH publish
publishRepository Repository to publish to HELM_PLUGIN_PUBLISH_REPOSITORY publish

If you are pushing to chart museum (set push or HELM_PLUGIN_PUSH to true) you can also set auth with these environment variables (additional environment variables can be found in the docs):


Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Eric Hayes

📖 🚇 ⚠️ 💻

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!