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Data sets for testing ML algorithms for deforestation mapping in Brazilian Amazonia.

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This project contains data sets for testing machine learning algorithms for deforestation mapping and monitoring in Brazilian Amazonia. These data sets consists of image time series of one Sentinel-2 tile (20LMR) for year 2022, as well R scripts used to perform land use classification together with training data sets.

How to use the data set and the scripts

Using the data in R and RStudio

To install the data sets (images and training data) and the scripts, run: devtools::install_github("e-sensing/rondonia20LMR") library(rondonia20LMR)

Then you can experiment with the scripts using the command line `rondonia20LMR::demo_pixel_classification()``

You can also download the demo_pixel_classification.R script and make your own changes.

Using the data in Python

To obtain the data sets, clone the github repository with git clone

Image data cube for Sentinel-2 tile 20LMR for year 2022

The directory /images contains a regular series of images covering MGRS tile 20LMR, with 23 time instances for the period 2022-01-05 to 2022-12-23. Each time instances contains 10 bands (B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, B8A, B11, B12). Image names folow the standard SENTINEL-2_MSI_20LMR_<band>_<year-month-date>.tif.

Training samples for deforestation mapping

The directory /samples contains time series of SENTINEL-2 data to be used for classification with machine learning methods which are available when the package is loaded. All satellite image time series have the following columns:

  • longitude (East-west coordinate of the time series sample in WGS 84).
  • latitude (North-south coordinate of the time series sample in WGS 84).
  • start_date (initial date of the time series).
  • end_date (final date of the time series).
  • label (the class label associated to the sample).
  • cube (the name of the image data cube associated with the data).
  • time_series (list with the values of the time series).

License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Scripts to produce deforestation maps

The directory /scipts contains R scripts that use the sits package for mapping deforested area in the image data cube. For description of how these scripts work, please see chapter "Introduction" in the sits reference book.

To run these scripts, you need to install the sits package. Please see the instructions in Chapter "Setup" of the on-line book.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).


Sentinel-2 20LMR tile for year 2022







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