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How to create the MLS [X,Y] grids

Tuan Ho edited this page Jun 22, 2019 · 4 revisions

We provide a naive Matlab implementation of the rigid moving least squares under misc/matlab. Prerequisite is Matlab with parallel computing, image processing toolboxes.

You can run the mls_rigid_exampl1.m to get the feeling of how it works. The mls_rigid_example2.m is used to generate the pre-computed MLS grids (be advised that the example2 takes a long time to complete). Also note that the example2 requires a pre-defined correspondence list in misc/input/Correspondence_points_for_MLS. For convenience, you can use a third-party tool like ptGui to select the correspondences between the front and back fisheye images and export them to a csv file, then let Matlab read the text csv file.

mona lisa deformed (Cropped from original image: Mona Lisa. Image is used for research purpose only)

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