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A Simple and Powerful Neovim Configuration

Neovim is a refactored Vim editor.

For more information on Neovim see the Introduction wiki page.


  • Ubuntu
sudo apt install neovim
  • Debian
sudo apt-get install neovim
  • Fedora
sudo dnf install neovim
  • OpenSUSE
sudo zypper install neovim
  • Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S neovim

Pre set up

Install nodejs and yarn

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm install -g yarn
rm -f

For python autocompletion

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
sudo pip install jedi

For tagbar support

sudo apt install exuberant-ctags

Set up

  1. Clone this repo

    cd $HOME/.config
    git clone
  2. Install the Vim plugin manager

    wget --no-check-certificate -P $HOME/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload \
  3. Open nvim and type :PlugInstall to install the plugins defined in the init.vim file.

  4. Install Conquer of Completion for autocomplete.

    cd $HOME/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim
    yarn install
    yarn build
  5. Open nvim and add some autocompletion support.

    :CocInstall coc-emmet coc-css coc-cssmodules coc-explorer coc-highlight coc-html 
    coc-java coc-json coc-lsp-wl coc-ltex coc-markmap coc-metals coc-prettier 
    coc-python coc-rome coc-sh coc-snippets coc-sqlfluff coc-svg coc-texlab coc-xml coc-yaml

To set up nvim for the root, switch user by sudo su and repeat the previous steps of set up.

Post set up

yarn global add neovim
pip install --user neovim

Open nvim and type :checkhealth to see if neovim is healthy.


Install Nerd Fonts

cd ~/Downloads
git clone --depth 1
cd ./nerd-fonts
./ FiraCode FiraMono Hack Hermit Inconsolata JetBrainsMono SourceCodePro Ubuntu UbuntuMono

Or just untar mono.tar.gz archived file to the ~/.fonts directory.

Also install powerline fonts by

sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline

To configure nvim font, change the terminal font preferences.

To change Neovim GUI font see the ginit.vim file.

See also LunarVim.


There are several graphical user interfaces for Neovim to try one.

  • Neovim Qt - a lightweight cross-platform Neovim GUI written in C++ with Qt.
  • Neovide - a simple graphical user interface for Neovim.
  • FVim - a cross platform Neovim front-end UI, built with F# + Avalonia.
  • GNvim - a rich Neovim GUI without any web bloat.
  • Goneovim - a Neovim GUI written in Go, using a Qt binding for Go.
  • NyaoVim - a Neovim frontend built on Electron.
  • neovim-gtk - a GTK ui for neovim written in Rust using gtk-rs bindings.
  • glrnvim - GPU-accelerated Neovim GUI.