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Simple lightweight and jQuery-independent data-grid


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EASY - grid

Easy grid is a simple data grid that allows you to fetch data from server and display it easily. Making the Easy-grid, we were observing several conventions:

  • It should be easy to use;
  • It should be easy to extend;
  • It should be light-weight and with readable code;
  • It should use template-engine (lodash, underscore etc.) and
  • It should be independent from jQuery and any HTML-layout.


Use bower to install easy-grid

bower install easy-grid --save


just copy source code from Github and include it into your project.



var MyEasyGrid = new EasyGrid('#my-grid');

..or maybe you want change some default options?

EasyGrid.prototype.defaults.pluginPaginationTrigger = 'click';
var MyEasyGrid = new EasyGrid('#my-grid');

..or maybe you want to change some options manually and refresh grid without fetching data from server?

var MyEasyGrid = new EasyGrid('#my-grid');

Out of the box, easy-grid powered with pagination, simple filters and search, and changing number of displayed items. Just create html-element with:

data-action-go-first - on click will go to first page.

data-action-go-last - on click will go to last page.

data-action-limit - to change limit option.


All options can be specified in three ways. There are (ordered by priority):

  1. Via data-* attributes on container.
  2. Via optional parameter options when initiating data-grid
  3. Via default options that can be defined via
Grid.prototype.defaults.option = 'my_custom_default_option';


Url to send request


Target where to insert rendered html


Template for template engine


Fetch params. Learn more


Query params for filtering data (limit,offset etc)



Run full grid process chain:

  1. Fetch the data
  2. Render data with template engine
  3. Insert data into target node


Run grid process chain without http-request:

  1. Render data with template engine
  2. Insert data into target node


Fetch data from server. Send http-request using fetch method according to fetchParams.


Render fetched data via template engine using template from options.


Insert rendered data into target

Getters and setters

It is very important to use getters and setters for accessing and mutating grid properties. It is so important, that we even prohibit access for these properties for you :). So just use following methods:


Get container that was used to init easy-grid. All events binded to this container. Returning DOM Element


Get URL used for requests. If prepared true, then return URL with GET-parameters.




Get current GET-parameters for http-request

setQuery(option, value)

Set or replace parameter for http-request. Ex.: setQuery('limit',25)

getFetchParams and setFetchParams

Getter and setter for fetch params. Learn more

getTEmplate() and setTemplate(data)

Getter and setter for template thar will be used for rendering via Lo-dash template engine.

Important! Accept proper selector for document.querySelector

getFetched() and setFetched(data)

Getter and setter for data, fetched from server. Important! Fetched data contains only data results. All additional stuff from server should be placed into meta.

getMeta() and setMeta(data)

Getter and setter for meta-data, fetched from server. Meta-data is all additional data like total number of results, current offset etc.

getExtra() and setExtra(option, value)

Getter and setter for Extra data. Extra data is all additional data, that can be added by plugins. For ex.: currentPage, currentFilters etc.

getRendered() and setRendered(data)

Getter and setter for rendered data. Rendered data is data, already rendered by template engine (Lo-dash in our case) using defined template and variables:

  • fetched as results
  • meta as meta
  • extra as extra










Writing your own plugins for easy-grid is really easy! All that you need to know is:

  1. Method registerPlugin(name,plugin) that accept name of your plugin and plugin itself.

  2. All your plugins should have method init(grid) that accept instance of easy grid. In this method your can specify any extra data or bind events etc. This method will be executed after initiating grid and before fetching data.

  3. All your plugins should have method modify() that will be executed after fetching data and before rendering it. In this method you can do whatever you want using getters and setters.

Changing limit, pagination and simple search and fileters is already made as Easy grid plugins. So you can either use them or just watch them as examples for creating your own.


We use philipwalton/privateParts to make some of our properties really private. Learn more about package.

We use fetch for http-requests, so you probably will need a polyfill.

Contact me

If you have any thoughts related to the easy-grid or ideas you want to share, contact me via email