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my-shopping-list 🛒

Another shopping list manager app

Getting Started

This is a client built using Vue.js and Firebase, a web tools platform.


For this project you need Node installed on your machine with Npm or Yarn.

This app was generated using the Vue CLI.


You can clone this repository using Git:

git clone

Or download the repository here

You have to configure the firbase.js file for using all Firabase's functionalities: rename firebase.example.js to firabase.js and add the Firebase configuration object:

More info here:

Before using the app, you need to install the dependencies. Open a terminal and type, inside the directory:

npm install 
# OR
yarn install

For running it:

npm run serve
# OR
yarn serve

The Vue development server it will be up and running at this address: http://localhost:8080.


For creating an optimized build of this project run:

npm run build
# OR
yarn build

Built with ❤️ using:

  • Vue.js - A Javascript framework
  • Firebase - A web tools platform powered by Google


Pull Requests for adding features ⇄ and ★ are welcome 😎