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INUA DAO: Building Sustainable Financial Power for Women's Enterprise

Table of Contents

  1. Problem Statement
  2. Mission and Vision
  3. Solution Overview
  4. Tokenomics
  5. Financial Model

1. Problem Statement

Women entrepreneurs globally face significant challenges in accessing capital, resources, and support networks, hindering their business success. Key challenges include financial exclusion, limited access to training and mentorship, economic uncertainty, gender inequality, and lack of community support. Inua DAO aims to address these challenges by democratizing financial services, providing tailored training, fostering a supportive community, promoting financial inclusion, and leveraging decentralized governance.

2. Mission and Vision

Mission: Empower struggling women entrepreneurs and youths with resources, knowledge, and community support for navigating economic uncertainty and realizing business aspirations.

Vision: Foster a thriving ecosystem of resilient women and youth-led micro-enterprises driving positive social and economic change through collective action and innovative financial solutions.

3. Solution Overview

Financial Empowerment

  • Microloan Pool: Borrow funds based on community voting and AI-powered risk assessment.
  • Token Staking: Earn passive income while contributing to network security and DAO stability.
  • Grant Pool: Secure additional funding for business growth based on stake and compelling proposals.

Knowledge and Growth

  • Personalized Training: Access curated modules and mentorship tailored to unique needs.
  • Peer-to-Peer Learning: Share experiences, learn from each other, and build lasting connections.

Collaborative Network

  • Co-op Initiatives: Join forces with entrepreneurs on impactful projects and marketing campaigns.
  • Mentorship Platform: Share expertise and empower the next generation through an integrated mentorship program.

Decentralized Governance

  • Token-powered Voting: Influence critical decisions, shaping a fairer and more inclusive financial ecosystem.
  • Investor Participation: Investors holding MSE tokens can contribute to the DAO's growth.

Join us and be part of the change, building a brighter future for women and youths in business, one vote, one loan, and one connection at a time.

4. Tokenomics

The MSE Token (Micro-enterprise Support): At the heart of Inua DAO, it's more than a currency – a key to unlock opportunities, a voice in governance, and a symbol of commitment to collective success.

Utility and Value Proposition

  • Governance: Hold and stake MSE tokens to participate in critical decision-making.
  • Financial Access: Stake serves as collateral for microloan eligibility.
  • Passive Income: Generate income by staking MSE tokens and contributing to DAO's stability.
  • Community Participation: Access events, training resources, and connect within the Inua DAO network.
  • Investor Involvement: Investors holding MSE tokens can participate in governance.

Distribution Model

  • Pre-sale: Gather funds through a pre-sale, distributing tokens to early investors.
  • Founder's Pool: Allocate and lock 15% for 3 years.
  • Operational Pool: Use 10% for employee payments and advisories.
  • Community Pool: Allocate 65% for community purchase, staking, holding, incentives, and airdrops.

Tokenomics Model

  • Utility: Holders access INUA DAO, participate in voting, and generate yields.
  • Vesting: Release 5% of tokens every 2 months after 3 years.
  • Incentives: Reward active community members for various tasks.

5. Financial Model

Inua DAO aims for a financially sustainable model beyond empowering women entrepreneurs.

Revenue Streams

  • Initial Token Sale (ITS): Raise capital through a community-driven ITS.
  • Transaction Fees: Implement minimal fees on loan origination, repayment, and token transfers.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with institutions and investors for sustainable revenue.
  • Staking Rewards: Allocate DAO funds to reward token holders.
  • Future Services: Explore value-added services for additional revenue.

Financial Management and Transparency

  • Decentralized Treasury: Establish a transparent and secure treasury managed by smart contracts.
  • Community Oversight: Publish financial reports, conduct audits, and allow token holders to vote on major decisions.
  • Investment Strategies: Diversify investment strategies for treasury funds.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and adapt the financial model based on community feedback.

Local Setup

To set up the project locally, follow the steps below:

1.Run the following command to start the dfx in the background:

dfx start --clean --background

2.Deploy backend canister:

    dfx deploy backend

3.Deploy frontend canisters:

npm run setup # Install packages, deploy canisters, and generate type bindings
npm start # Start the development server