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The Fastest Website in the World

Optimized for Performance

I don't like web development.

I do enjoy performance optimization, networking, and distributed computing.

To motivate this personal website, I attempted to create the most performant website in the world. I learned a lot about how the web works through this project, and acheived a perfectly optimized website. This is the fastest implementation possible, short of finding a dedicated host faster than Google Firebase (costly, and not very practical for a personal website).


~30ms average page load speed from San Jose, California, USA.

~100ms average page load speed from Vancouver, Canada.

See benchmarks below.


Inline CSS styling within HTML.

utilizes Emogrifier tool with working_files/main.css and working_files/index.html as inputs. Outputs public/index.html. The result in an index.html with all styling from main.css applied inline.

Performance Improvement: Eliminates the need to serve main.css -> one less file to be loaded by client from host.

Downside: Client can no longer cache main.css. Not a concern for personal website purposes.

Minified HTML.

utilizes html_minifer to remove whitespace in index.html

Performance Improvement: ~23% reduction in index.html file size.

Downside: File is no longer legible. Our deployment structure effectively works around this.

Optimized Images.

All images served on site are vectors (.svg). These are scaled to 22px as specified in main.css.

Performance Improvement: tiny file sizes; can be dynamically scaled with no change in size.

Downside: More difficult to work with as opposed to a library like fontawesome.

Browser Caching.

All images are cached for 31536000 seconds. (1 year)

Performance Improvement: client does not need to load images from host on subsequent visits.

Downside: changes won't be reflected when images are modified unless client clears cache.


Firebase automatically compresses images with gzip when serving requests.

Performance Improvement: ~50% reduction in file size (varies with image).

Downside: legacy browser compatability.

Extraneous HTTP Request Removal.

index.html specifies the following to remove an extraneous request for favicon.ico (site does not have a favicon):

<link rel="icon" href="data:,">

Performance Improvement: client no longer has to ask host for favicon.ico, which doesn't exist.

Downside: None (if your site has a favicon.ico, then this optimization doesn't apply).

Minimized Server Response Time.

Firebase is one of the fastest publically or comercially available hosting services.

And, it's free! Highly recommended for personal websites and projects.

Performance Improvement: reduces connection time between client and host.

Downside: There are likely faster, more expensive solutions (i.e. dedicated Akamai servers).


This site acheives a perfect score on the following pagespeed testing bechmarks:

Google PageSpeed Insights

Pingdom Website Speed Test

GTmetrix Performance Report (PageSpeed and YSlow)

GTmetrix Performance Report (comparison with

*GTmetrix awards a 99/100 for the "Specify Image Dimensions" criterion. This is a false negative.

Deployment Structure

This site is developed in the working_files directory. This directory contains unminified, legible:

  • index.html
  • stylesheets/:
    • main.css

Styling or content changes are tested locally using the working files. When ready for deployment, Emogrifier is run with working files as input. The resulting html with inline styling is outputted to public/index.html. Subsequently, html-minifier is run with public/index.html as input, outputting a minified public/index.html. This is the final site available to the public.

The public folder contains all files hosted online:

  • index.html
  • 404.html
  • static/:
    • github.svg (github icon vector)
    • linkedin.svg (linkedin icon vector)
    • file.svg (resume icon vector)
    • resume.pdf (my resume)

In total, 6 files are hosted online. 82kb total filesize.

The size of the page served upon a client visit is 3.62kb, as of writing (see optimizations).


See main.css.


  1. Implement Responsive Layouts.
  2. Optimize 404 page (404.html).
  3. Add content to site (projects, technical insights, etc).



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details