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1 Number Of Enclaves

2. Boolean Matrix

3. Boundary traversal of matrix

4. Number of Distinct Sequence

5. Column Name for a given column number

6. Roman to Integer

7. Count number of substrings

8. Reverse alternate nodes in the linked list

9. Pairwise swap elements of a linked list

10. Insert in a sorted list

11. Height of Binary tree

12. Nodes at given distance in binary tree

13. Duplicate subtree in binary tree

14. Floor in BST

15. Find Common Nodes in two BSTs

16. Normal BST to Balanced BST

17. Making A Large Island

18. Transitive closure of a Graph

19. Eventual Safe States

20. Level of Nodes

21. Form a number divisible by 3 using array digits

22. Sum of all divisors from 1 to n

23. Number of paths

24. Maximum sum increasing subsequence

25. Palindromic Partitioning

26. Knapsack with Duplicate Items

27. Minimum Operations

28. Minimum Deletions

29. Bleak Numbers

30. Check whether K-th bit is set or not

31. Sum of XOR of all pairs


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