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Releases: dhall-lang/dhall-lang


15 Apr 19:54
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Breaking changes:

  • New support for Bytes literals

    You can now store Bytes within Dhall, which comprises two changes to the

    • A new Bytes type

    • Support for Bytes literals of the form 0x"…"

    For example, the following Dhall literal represents a valid sequence of four


    This is a technically breaking change because Bytes is now a reserved

  • New {Date,Time,TimeZone}/show builtins

    You can now render temporal literals as Text representing valid Dhall
    source code:

    Date/show : Date  Text
    Time/show : Time  Text
    TimeZone/show : TimeZone  Text

    For example:

     Date/show 2000-01-01
     Time/show 11:59:59
     TimeZone/show -08:00

    This is a technically breaking change because Date/show, Time/show, and
    TimeZone/show are now reserved identifiers.

New features:

Other changes:


24 Jan 04:46
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Breaking changes:

  • New showConstructor keyword for converting union alternative to Text

    You can now render the constructor name for a union alternative using the
    showConstructor keyword, like this:

    let Example = < A : Bool | B >
    in  [ showConstructor (Example.A True), showConstructor Example.B ]

    … which evaluates to:

    [ "A", "B" ]

    showConstructor also works on Optional and Bool values, too:

    >>> showConstructor (None Bool)
    >>> showConstructor (Some True)
    >>> showConstructor True
    >>> showConstructor False
  • Require non-empty whitespace after let binding

    Before this change an expression like this was permitted:

    let x = 3let y = x in y

    … because the grammar did not require non-empty whitespace in between let
    bindings. Now the grammar requires non-empty whitespace in between bindings
    so the above expression is no longer permitted.

New features:

Other changes:


22 Nov 07:07
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New features:

Other changes:


14 Aug 00:35
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Breaking changes:

  • Standardize support for dates / times / time zones

    Dhall now provides language support for time types and literals, including
    almost all combinations of dates, time, and time zones.

    For example, these are all valid temporal literals and their corresponding

    2020-01-01                : Date
    00:00:00                  : Time
    +00:00                    : TimeZone
    2020-01-01T00:00:00       : { date : Date, time : Time }
    00:00:00+00:00            : { time : Time, timeZone : TimeZone }
    2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 : { date : Date, time : Time, timeZone : TimeZone }

    Currently there are not yet built-in functions associated with temporal
    values. This change only adds the new types and support for projecting out
    components of complex literals as record fields.

    This is a breaking change because Date / Time / TimeZone are now
    reserved identifier names.

  • Change ? to only fall back on absent imports

    The ? operator will no longer recover from type errors, parse errors,
    hash mismatches, or cyclic imports found within the first import. The second
    import will only be tried if the first import cannot be retrieved at all
    (either from cache or the specified location).

    This is a breaking change because some Dhall programs which used to succeed
    will now fail. Specifically, a program which relied on the ? operator to
    recover from non-import-related errors will now begin to fail.

Other changes:

New features:

  • Add support for origin-based header configuration

    You can now customize headers out-of-band by creating a headers.dhall file
    in one of the following locations:

    • ~/.config/dhall/headers.dhall
    • ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/dhall/headers.dhall

    This headers file has type Map Text (Map Text Text) and might look something
    like this:

    toMap {
      `` = toMap { Authorization = "TOKEN" }

    Where each outer Map key is of the form host:port and the nner Map
    contains custom header-value pairs. These custom headers are supplied
    to any imports destined for tht origin.

    These out-of-band custom headers work in conjunction with the in-band custom
    headers supplied by the using keyword, but the out-of-band custome headers
    take precedence. For example, if one were to import: using
      ( toMap
        { Authorization = "ANOTHER TOKEN"
        , User-Agent = "dhall"

    … then the User-Agent header would now also be set to "dhall", but the
    Authorization would still be "TOKEN".

  • Add Prelude support for NonEmpty lists


21 May 17:51
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New features:

Other changes:


26 Jan 16:02
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New features:

Other changes:


04 Dec 16:00
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Breaking changes:

  • Text/replace waits to replace interpolated Text

    Text/replace will now not reduce if the Text literal to replace has any
    interpolated subexpressions.

    For example, before this change, the following expression:

    λ(x : Text)  Text/replace "a" "b" "a${x}"

    … would normalize to:

    λ(x : Text)  "b${x}"

    After this change, the former expression is in normal form and won't reduce
    further so long as the interpolated expression remains abstract.

    This change was made to fix the fact that the old behavior for Text/replace
    was not confluent, meaning that the behavior would change depending on which
    order normalization rules were applied. For example, the following
    expression would give different results:

    let x = "a" in Text/replace "a" "b" "b${x}"

    … depending on whether or not x was substituted into the interpolated
    Text literal before or after Text/replace performed the replacement.

    This is a technically breaking change because it would change the integrity
    check for any expression replacing a Text literal with abstract
    interpolated subexpressions. In practice, you are unlikely to be affected by
    this change.

  • Normalize Text/replace when "needle" is empty and other arguments are abstract

    Text/replace will now always normalize if the first argument is the empty
    string, regardless of whether or not the other two arguments are abstract.

    Or in other words:

    Text/replace "" replacement haystack

    … will always reduce to:


    This is a technically breaking change along the same lines as the previous
    change and is also unlikely to affect you in practice.

  • Prelude.XML.render now correctly escapes unsanitized input

    The new version of the utility uses Text/replace to escape unsanitized
    input, in order to guarantee that the rendered XML is always well-formed.

    This is a breaking change because the rendered output will be different if the
    input contained special characters (like <). However, it's more likely that
    this change will fix your code rather than break it (unless you were depending
    on the old behavior as an escape hatch for XML injection).

New features:

Other changes:


14 Oct 21:10
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Breaking changes:

  • Implement with directly rather than via desugaring

    The standard now defines with directly, rather than via a
    desugaring step. This changes the normalization behaviour of with
    expressions in three ways: first, with expressions on abstract
    variables such as

    λ(r : { foo : Text })  r with bar = "baz"

    will now remain unchanged after normalization, whereas previously
    this expression would have normalised to:

    λ(r : { foo : Text })  r  { bar = "baz" }

    The second way normalization has changed is a consequence of the
    above: certain with expressions used to take advantage of
    simplification of expressions. For example:

    (e with k = v).k

    used to normalize to v, but now normalizes to itself.

    The third change to normalization is that it is no longer a type
    error to add multiple layers of nesting into a record at once:

    {} with x.y.z = 3

    This expression normalizes to:

    { x = { y = { z = 3 }}}

    which can also be written:

    { x.y.z = 3 }

    This is technically a breaking change due to the changes to
    normalization; this also means that the semantic hash of files which
    contain with expressions may change.

New features:


01 Sep 21:16
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Breaking changes:

  • Enable with optimizations

    The standard now gives implementations more freedom to optimize the
    β-reduction of with expressions, mainly in order to avoid pathological
    time and space complexity when interpreting chained with expressions, like:

    r with x.y = a with z = b

    Along the way, this changes how with expressions are encoded in the
    binary representation, which means that this is a technically breaking

    In practice, you are unlikely to to be affected by this change, except for the
    rare case where you protect an import with a semantic integrity check and the
    contents of the protected import contain a with expression where the
    left-hand side of the with expression is abstract, such as this one:

    λ(x: { a : Natural})  x with a = 42 

    Other than that, semantic integrity checks are not affected because the
    interpreter will β-normalize away the with expression, which will then
    not affect the final hash.

New features:

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28 Jul 15:47
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New features:

  • Allow trailing delimiters

    The language now permits trailing delimiters, including:

    • Trailing commas for record literals:

      { x = 1, y = 2, }
    • Trailing commas for record types:

      { x : Natural, y : Natural, }
    • Trailing commas for list literals:

      [ 1, 2, ]
    • Trailing bars for union types:

      < Left : Natural | Right : Bool | >

    These trailing delimiters will allow you to format your code in a style
    more familiar to JavaScript / Python / Go / Rust programmers.

  • Add .dhall extensions on Prelude files

    All Prelude files now include a version with a .dhall extension, both for
    consistency with the rest of the ecosystem and to automatically trigger
    correct syntax highlighting and editor support based on the .dhall

    The old files without the extension are still present (so this change is
    backwards-compatible), but now all they do is re-export the file with the
    .dhall extension.

    New additions to the Prelude will require the .dhall extension and won't
    include the extension-free counterpart.

Other changes: