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Jarspec (JSON API Response Specification) is a specification developed to help make sending JSON responses from RESTful API's easier and more uniform.


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JSON API Response Specification (jarspec)

What is Jarspec?

The JSON API Response Specification (jarspec) is a new specification provided to lay a foundation for how JSON responses from RESTful API servers should be formatted.

Why was Jarspec created?

Managing data provided from your API to your client can be difficult, especially without a specification in place for your API's JSON to conform to. Therefore, Jarspec was created to help unify the API to client process in a simplified but extensible way. The consistent format helps you focus more on managing your data rather than spending time in attempting to decide what response structure to use between your Front End and Back End Teams.

We developed Jarspec to conform to existing and well-known standards to help implementation to become as simple as possible.

Example responses

A response from Jarspec can either be a success or an error.

An example Jarspec Success Response:

  "status": "ok",
  "code": 200,
  "data": [
    "...any success data here"
  "timestamp": "2022-08-10T16:17:25.620Z",
  "version": "1.0.0"

An example Jarspec Error Response:

  "status": "invalid-argument",
  "code": 400,
  "data": [
    "...any error data here"
  "message": "One or more supplied arguments are invalid.",
  "timestamp": "2022-08-10T16:17:25.620Z",
  "version": "1.0.0"


Success Response

Properties the JSON response can contain for a successful response.

Name Type Description Required
Status 'ok' The 'ok' gRPC status code
Code 20X A 20X HTTP status code
Data any[]|null An array of data to return to the caller or null
ID string An optional ID to link the response to a request within the API. If supplied this should be logged -
timestamp string An ISO timestamp of when the response was supplied
version string A semver string of the Jarspec version being used

Error Response

Properties the JSON response can contain for an error response.

Name Type Description Required
Status gRPC Status Any of the gRPC status codes
Code 4XX - 5XX A HTTP code matching the gRPC status
Message string A friendly message to present back to the caller
Data any[]|null An array of data/metadata to return to the caller or null
ID string An optional ID to link the response to a request within the API. If supplied this should be logged -
timestamp string An ISO timestamp of when the response was supplied
version string A semver string of the Jarspec version being used

gRPC/HTTP Statuses

The gRPC/HTTP status combination ensures most clients compatibility with the response. We have utilised Google Cloud API standards for a well estabilished pattern.

gRPC Status HTTP Code Type Description
ok 200 Success Success. No Error.
invalid-argument 400 Client Error Client specified an invalid argument. Check error message and error details for more information.
failed-precondition 400 Client Error Request can not be executed in the current system state, such as deleting a non-empty directory.
out-of-range 400 Client Error Client specified an invalid range.
unauthenticated 401 Client Error Request not authenticated due to missing, invalid, or expired token.
permission-denied 403 Client Error Client does not have sufficient permission.
not-found 404 Client Error A specified resource is not found.
aborted 409 Client Error Concurrency conflict, such as read-modify-write conflict.
already-exists 409 Client Error The resource that a client tried to create already exists.
resource-exhausted 429 Client Error Either out of resource quota or reaching rate limiting.
cancelled 499 Client Error Request cancelled by the client.
data-loss 500 Server Error Unrecoverable data loss or data corruption. The client should report the error to the user.
unknown 500 Server Error Unknown server error. Typically a server bug.
internal 500 Server Error Internal server error. Typically a server bug.
not-implemented 501 Server Error API method not implemented by the server.
na 502 Client/Server Error Network error occurred before reaching the server. Typically a network outage or misconfiguration.
unavailable 503 Server Error Service unavailable. Typically the server is down.
deadline-exceeded 504 Server Error Request deadline exceeded. This will happen only if the caller sets a deadline that is shorter than the method's default deadline (i.e. requested deadline is not enough for the server to process the request) and the request did not finish within the deadline.

Jarspec libraries

Name Language Client/Server Link
js-client Typescript/Javascript Client npm
js-server NodeJS (Express) Server npm

Additional Thoughts/Questions

Why is data supplied as an Array?

We chose to supply data as an Array to guarantee a consistent data type when returning API data. If only a single piece of data is being returned, it can easily be accessed by grabbing the first element of the array (data[0]) on the client side.

Submitting changes for Jarspec

We accept all comments in making jarspec better. Currently our specification has been tested and confirmed to work in numerous Typescript and Javascript projects, however we understand others may suggest even better ideas for the spec. Remember though, jarspec is only a guideline and not a fixed ruleset, so small changes working for only your project should be implemented by yourself rather than suggesting the whole specification be updated. We also request that and requests to change the specification follow the conventions set out already, being: simple, extensible and estabilished.

Submitting client/server libraries

We keep a list of all client/server libraries for jarspec in a table above. However if you are programming in a language or framework that currently does not have a specific library and would like to create one, we encourage you to do so and submit a pull request linking the library and specifying the language in the table above. Once we have confirmed the library is functional we will add it to the readme.

Latest jarspec version:



Jarspec (JSON API Response Specification) is a specification developed to help make sending JSON responses from RESTful API's easier and more uniform.








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