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ranges implements the nearest implementation of D range-based algorithms in Go, for fun and to experiment with what is possible in Go 1.18 and above.

Ranges are a concept popular in D and C++ for creating a language by which generic algorithms can be define which operate on potentially any type of container or sequence of data. Instead of redundantly defining the same algorithms over and over again for different types, you instead define how to create a range that lazily evaluates a given container or sequence in potentially many directions, and existing generic algorithms can be applied to the range.


The library defines the following ranges primitives, as Go interfaces.

  • OutputRange[T any] - Any type you can write the following operations:
    • Put(element T) error Write to the output range.
  • InputRange[T any] - Anything iterable, with the following operations:
    • Empty() bool - Check if a range is empty.
    • Front() T - Get the current element. May panic if an empty range.
    • PopFront() - Remove the front element. May panic if an empty range.
  • ForwardRange[T any] - An InputRange[T] with additional operations:
    • Save() ForwardRange[T] - Copy the range and its position.
  • BidirectionalRange[T any] - ForwardRange[T] with additional operations:
    • Back() T - Get the current end element. May panic if an empty range.
    • PopBack() T - Remove the back/end element. May panic if an empty range.
    • SaveB() BidirectionalRange[T] - Save the position in both directions.
  • RandomAccessRange[T any] - A BidirectionalRange[T] with additional operations:
    • Get(index int) T Return an element of the range. May panic if out of bounds.
    • Len() int - Return the length of the range.
    • SaveR() RandomAccessRange[T] - Save the position with random access.

The ranges library defines the following types, which may be used as constraints for generic functions.

  • Signed - Any signed integer primitive type.
  • Unsigned - Any signed integer primitive type.
  • Integer - Any integer primitive type.
  • Float - Any floating point primitive type.
  • RealNumber - Any integer or floating point primitive type.
  • Ordered - Any primitive type that be ordered.

Tuple Types

To express tuples in Go, there are different types declared for different numbers of items. This library has the following:

  • Pair - Holds 2 values of any mix of types.
  • Triplet - Holds 3 values of any mix of types.
  • Quartet - Holds 4 values of any mix of types.
  • Quintet - Holds 5 values of any mix of types.
  • Sextet - Holds 6 values of any mix of types.
  • Septet - Holds 7 values of any mix of types.
  • Octet - Holds 8 values of any mix of types.
  • Ennead - Holds 9 values of any mix of types.
  • Decade - Holds 10 values of any mix of types.

For convenience, every tuple has a Make function for creating them, and a Get() function for returning the values as a Go native tuple, so tuples can be and split into multiple values without redundantly naming types.

// Inferred as Pair[int, string]
pair := MakePair(1, "hello")
// Split into int and string values.
num, str := pair.Get()

Error Handling

Ranges other than OutputRange do not include error values as part of their types. Algorithms in this library do not result in runtime errors. They may only panic when input to the functions producing the ranges is invalid, or when attempting to access elements that do not exist. When you wish to place values that result in errors, make the errors an explicit part of the type of your range such as InputRange[Pair[T, error]].

Remember that in Go you can forward Go's native return tuples as arguments and return values, and this integrates well with the ranges library tuple types. This can make forwarding errors easier.

func OtherFunc() int, error { /* ... */ }

func ReturnsValueAndError() int, error {
  // Create Pair[int, error]
  // Go can spread the multiple return into the arguments for us.
  pair := MakePair(OtherFunc())

  // Return both values.
  return pair.Get()

Lazy Evaluation

All ranges are lazily-evaluated and compute values anew on demand. This means each call to Front() or Back() on a range will return a new value of T.

Modifications to the returned objects may not be reflected in a container, such as returning a copy of a struct instead of a pointer to it. When modification to elements of an underlying container is necessary, you should create a range of pointers, as in *T. This will permit modification of underlying values.

Because values are computed on the fly, a call to a callback function may be executed each time Front() or Back() are called for ranges. You may wish to cache the results of computation in a chain of ranges by calling one the Cache functions, including Cache, CacheF, CacheB, and CacheR.


Nearly all algorithms accepting or producing InputRange can accept or produce a ForwardRange instead by calling a variation of the function with an F suffix. Most algorithms that can accept or produce a ForwardRange can accept or produce a BidirectionalRange with a B suffix. Some functions such as Map can be called with shortcuts for slices with an S suffix.

  • operators
    • Lt - Implements a < b for all orderable types.
    • Le - Implements a <= b for all orderable types.
    • Eq - Implements a == b for all comparable types.
    • Ne - Implements a != b for all comparable types.
    • Ge - Implements a >= b for all orderable types.
    • Gt - Implements a > b for all orderable types.
  • functional
    • Compose* - Composes several functions in a sequence, such that Compose*(f1, ..., fn)(x) produces f1(...(fn(x)))
    • Pipe* - Pipes several functions in a sequence, such that Pipe*(f1, ..., fn)(x) produces fn(...(f1(x)))
  • ranges
    • Chain - Produces an InputRange iterating over a slice of ranges.
    • Chunks - Takes InputRange chunks of a given size from an InputRange.
    • Cycle - Repeats a ForwardRange infinitely.
    • Drop - Drops up to a number of elements from the start of a range.
    • Enumerate - Yields elements with indexes (Pair[int, T]) from 0.
    • EnumerateN - Enumerate with a provided start index.
    • Flatten - Produces an InputRange from a range of ranges.
    • FlattenSB - A special variation to flatten a slice of BidirectionalRanges into a `BidirectionalRange.
    • FlattenSS - A special variation to flatten a slice of slices into a `BidirectionalRange.
    • FrontTransversal - Produces an InputRange iterating over the first value of every non-empty range in a range of ranges.
    • Generate - Creates an infinite BidirectionalRange by calling a function repeatedly.
    • Iota - A BidirectionalRange producing values from 0 value up to and excluding an end value, incrementing by 1.
    • IotaStart - Iota with a given start value to use in place of 0.
    • IotaStep - IotaStart with a step value to use in place of 1.
    • Null - Returns a BidirectionalRange that is always empty and consumes zero memory.
    • Only - Returns a BidirectionalRange through the arguments provided.
    • PadRight - Produces an InputRange with up to count items by padding the range with a given value.
    • Repeat - Creates an infinite BidirectionalRange repeating a value.
    • Retro - Returns a reversed BidirectionalRange.
    • RoundRobin - Produces an InputRange iterating over the first value of every non-empty range in a range of ranges in a cycle until all ranges are exhausted.
    • Slide - Produces a ForwardRange of chunks of a given windowSize stepping forward 1 element at a time.
    • SlideStep - Slide with a stepSize for stepping over elements.
    • Stride - Produces every step element in an InputRange.
    • Take - Takes up to a number of elements from a range.
    • Tee - Produces an InputRange that produces elements from a given range and outputs values to a given OutputRange when elements are popped.
    • ZipN - Produce a range stepping over N ranges in parallel. There are several Zip functions for different numbers of arguments.
  • output
    • AssignSink - Creates an OutputRange that assigns values to a given InputRange of pointers by dereferencing the pointers.
    • NullSink - Creates an OutputRange that discards all data.
    • SliceSink - Creates an OutputRange that appends to the given slice.
  • slices
    • Bytes - Produces BidirectionalRange[byte] from a string like []byte(s)
    • Runes - Produces BidirectionalRange[rune] from a string like []rune(s)
    • SliceRange - Produces BidirectionalRange[T] from []T
    • SliceRetro - Produces BidirectionalRange[T] from []T in reverse.
    • SlicePtrRange - Produces a BidirectionalRange[*T] from []T
    • SlicePtrRetro - Produces a BidirectionalRange[*T] from []T in reverse.
    • Slice - Produces []T from InputRange[T]
    • String - Produces string from InputRange[rune]
  • comparison
    • Among - Returns true if a value is equal to any of the values according to an eq callback.
    • AmongEq - Returns true if a value is equal to any of the values using a simple == comparison.
    • Cmp - Steps through two ranges comparing values with a cmp function and returns the result if it's nonzero. Returns -1 or 1 if ranges are different lengths.
    • CmpFunc - Produces a comparison function for all types that support < and >.
    • Equal - Returns true if two ranges are equal according to a comparison defined in a callback.
    • EqualComparable - Returns true if two ranges are equal, element by element, for all comparable types.
    • IsPermutation - Returns true if two ranges are permutations of each other in O(m + n) time by allocating a temporary map.
    • IsPermutationNoAlloc - Returns true if two ranges are permutations of each other in O(m * n) without allocating a map.
    • IsSameLength - Checks if two ranges are the same length in O(n) time.
    • Max - Returns the maximum value among all values given as arguments.
    • Min - Returns the minimum value among all values given as arguments.
    • Mismatch - Eagerly advances all ranges until the first element is found where any two elements are not equal according to a callback.
  • iteration
    • Cache - Caches results in an InputRange so Front() will be called only once per element on the original range.
    • CacheF - Caches results so Front() will only be called once per element on the original range, unless the range is saved and traversed over multiple times.
    • CacheB OR CacheR - Caching of BidirectionalRange and RandomAccessRange elements.
    • ChunkBy - Returns an InputRange that splits a range into sub-ranges when cb(a, b) returns false.
    • ChunkByValue Returns an InputRange that splits a range into sub-ranges where cb(a) == c(b).
    • Each - Calls a callback with each value of a range.
    • Exhaust - Steps through every element of a range until it's empty. Similar to Each with an empty callback function, only Front() will never be called for the range.
    • Filter - Filter any InputRange with a callback.
    • FilterB - Filter a BidirectionalRange, producing a range that can be advanced in both directions. Less efficient for moving forwards, as it requires priming the range in both directions.
    • Group - Yields pairs of (value, size) counting how many values are equal in each group according to cb(a, b).
    • GroupComparable - Group where a == b for any comparable value.
    • Joiner - Joins ranges with a separator ForwardRange between ranges.
    • JoinerSS - A special variation to join a slice of slices into a ForwardRange.
    • JoinStrings - A convenience function for creating a string from a ForwardRange of string values with a separator string.
    • Map - Map elements in any InputRange with a callback. The result of calling the callback is not stored, so use Cache when generating ranges with Map.
    • Permutations - Given a slice of values, produce a ForwardRange of all permutations of the given slice.
    • ReduceNoSeed - Eagerly reduces a range to a single value without a seed value. Panics when a range is empty.
    • SplitWhen - Splits a range where cb(a, b) == true for adjacent elements.
    • Splitter - Splits forward ranges with a separator ForwardRange between ranges where cb(a, b) == true
    • SplitterSS - A special variation to split a slice with a slice.
    • SplitterComparable - Splitter where a == b.
    • SplitString - A convenience function for splitting a string with a `string.
    • Uniq - Yields unique adjacent elements where cb(a, b) == true.
    • UniqComparable - Uniq where a == b.
  • mutation
    • Copy - Copies all values from an InputRange into an OutputRange.
    • Fill - Assigns a value to all locations in a range of pointers.
    • FillPattern - Assigns a pattern of values from a ForwardRange to all locations in a range of pointers.
    • StripLeft - Removes elements where cb(a) == true from the front of a range.
    • StripLeftComparable - StripLeft where a == value, given a provided value.
    • StripRight - Removes elements where cb(a) == true from the back of a range.
    • StripRightComparable - Removes elements where a == value from the back of a range.
    • Strip - Removes elements where cb(a) == true from the front and back of a range.
    • StripComparable - Removes elements where a == value from the front and back of a range.
  • searching
    • All - Checks if all elements in an InputRange satisfy a callback.
    • Any - Checks if any elements in an InputRange satisfy a callback.
    • CanFind - Find, but simply returns true if anything can be found.
    • CanFindComparable - FindComparable but simply returns true if anything can be found.
    • Length - Returns the number of elements in an InputRange in O(n) time.
    • Count - Returns the number of elements in an InputRange where the callback returns true
    • CountUntil - Returns the number of elements in an InputRange until the callback returns true.
    • CommonPrefix - Returns a FowardRange over the common prefix of two ranges. The first range must be a ForwardRange.
    • DropWhile - Advances a range while a callback returns true.
    • Find - Advances a range until cb(x, needle) returns true, comparing elements with a needle.
    • FindComparable - Advances a range until x == needle.
    • FindEqual - Advances a range until cb(a, b) returns true for every element of a needle range.
    • FindEqualComparable - Advances a range until a == b is satisfied for all elements of a needle range.
    • FindAdjacent - Advances a range until cb(a, b) returns true for two adjacent elements in a ForwardRange.
    • FindAdjacentComparable - Advances a range until a == b is satisfied for two adjacent elements in a ForwardRange.
    • FindAmong - Advances a range until cb(a, b) returns true for any element of a needle range.
    • FindAmongComparable - Advances a range until a == b is satisfied for any element of a needle range.
    • SkipOver - Skips over elements in a haystack ForwardRange if the range starts with a needle range, according to cb(a, b) == true.
    • StartsWith - Checks if one InputRange starts with another one, through a callback.
    • TakeWhile - Advances a range until the callback returns true.
  • setops
    • CartesianProduct - Computes the Cartesian product of a series of forward ranges.

Implementing New Ranges

New Ranges can be implemented by creating a struct with pointer receivers for all of the methods needed to satisfy a type of range. For example:

// A pointer to this is an InputRange[T] because of the implementation below.
type newRangeType[T any] struct {
  // Add whatever data you need.

func (r *newRangeType[T]) Empty() bool { /* ... */ }
func (r *newRangeType[T]) Front() T    { /* ... */ }
func (r *newRangeType[T]) PopFront()   { /* ... */ }

func MakeNewRangeType[T any](/* ... */) InputRange[T] {
  return &newRangeType{/* ... */}

It's important to return pointers to your structs so ranges can be freely passed around as a reference type.


Wherever possible, algorithms will attempt to minimize allocations. The Len() of any RandomAccessRange objects at runtime, or the len() of slices may be used to determine how much memory to allocate, or to optimize algorithms to avoid unnecessary operations.

Go's compiler is capable of inlining many range function calls, which will reduce overhead. Ranges are likely to be stored in the garbage-collected heap. The performance of using ranges will therefore be hard to predict. You should benchmark and debug your code, and add optimizations where appropriate. Significant improvements easily obtained are never premature.


No function overloading for generic types

It's not possible to implement a Filter function that returns ForwardRange[T] if given ForwardRange[T] and returns InputRange[T] if given InputRange[T].

The only available alternative in Go is to write multiple function names for each range type, such as FilterF for ForwardRange[T] and Filter for InputRange[T].

No covariant return types in Go

We need SaveB and SaveR methods because there are no covariant return types in Go. This means a user can be led to choosing a suboptimal save function. There's no way around this in Go. In D, saving a range automatically carries across the more specific details of the range type, such as RandomAccessRange save method returning a RandomAccessRange.

No tuple types and variadic generics

Variadic generic types are difficult to implement correctly, and Go does not have generic tuple types to represent any combination of values. This means that just as in classic Java generic interfaces, functions that take different combinations of types must be redundantly defined up to some maximum number of arguments in a programmer's imagination of how many arguments someone will call a function with. For example:

func Args0()[] { }
func Args1[V1 any](v1 V1) { }
func Args2[V1 any, V2](v1 V1, v2 V2) { }
func Args3[V1 any, V2 any, V3 any](v1 V1, v2 V2, v3 V3) { }
func Args3[V1 any, V2 any, V3 any, V4 any](v1 V1, v2 V2, v3 V3, v4 V4) { }

It's not possible to write something like the following for all of the above:

func Args[V any...](v V...) { }

Because of this, multiple variations of the Zip function are required.

Advantages of Go

Exceptions must be an explicit part of the type of ranges

Go does not have exceptions outside of panic. Ranges that can yield errors at any point have to explicitly include them in the type of result returned by Front(), so all ranges should be considered exception safe as long as the contract of calling Empty() before Front() or PopFront() is not broken.


Range-based algorithms in Go







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