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Nicola Strappazzon Carotenuto edited this page Mar 24, 2019 · 1 revision

First steps

In this step, first build images for each container, next you will remove old images and then start up the stack:

make build
make clear
make up


Next command scale only MySQL Server to trhee instances:

make scale numbers=3

Configure topology

You have two options to start play. Standard replications with one master and 5 slaves. Or two co-master with 4 slaves. To implement multimaster, first run script and then this script.

  • Standard replications.

Configure classic replication topology Master and Slaves:

make masterslaves
  • Multimaster:

Configure MultiMaster replication topology:

make multimaster

You have the next tools to use:

Enter to MySQL Shell to pass by ProxySQL:

make mysql

Run benchmark tool

brew install siege
siege -c 2


Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes. Maybe have problem to start new cluster, try down the old cluster and retry.

make down
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