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Using Pandas and SQL Alchemy to explore a year's worth of climate characteristics, specifically temperature ranges, and precipitation levels within Hawaii

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What Clothes Should I pack?- Hawaii

It's been a strenuous last couple of months at work and you decide to preliminarily start planning a future vacation to Hawaii. Upon the first week of thinking about the trip, you check your wardrobe to make sure you have a raincoat as you have become aware that it rains quite often in Hawaii. This thought then spurs you to investigate further into how the temperature and precipitation levels varied within the past year in order to plan for what to expect and what clothes to pack depending on what part of the year you take your vacation there. Use the sql lite database that is found within this repository to analyze the climate conditions in Hawaii.

Initial Exploration (DC_CODE.ipynb file in root folder of repository)

-Find the most recent date in the data set.

-Print the summary statistics for the precipitation data.

-Design a query to calculate the total number of stations in the dataset.

-Design a query to find the most active stations (i.e. which stations have the most rows?).

-List the stations and observation counts in descending order.

-Which station id has the highest number of observations?

-Using the most active station id, calculate the lowest, highest, and average temperature.

Climate App ( file in root folder of repository)

Now that you have completed your initial analysis, design a Flask API based on the queries that you have just developed.

  • List all dates and the amount of precipitation that was recorded.

  • Return a JSON list of stations from the dataset.

  • Return a JSON list of the minimum temperature, the average temperature, and the max temperature for a given start or start-end range.

  • When given the start only, calculate TMIN, TAVG, and TMAX for all dates greater than and equal to the start date.

  • When given the start and the end date, calculate the TMIN, TAVG, and TMAX for dates between the start and end date inclusive.


sql alchemy imports

sqlalchemy mostrecent

Precipitation (inches vs. Date)

sqlalchemy precipbar

Hawaii Climate Summary Statistics

sqlalchemy sumstats

List of Climate Stations

sqlalchemy list stations

Binning for Histogram

sqlalchemy challenge histo

Home Route for Flask App

Screenshot (214)

Precipitation recorded on first few days

sql alch precip recorded first few days

Minimum temperature, average temperature, and maximum temperature, between 2016-09-12 & 2017-04-12.

aqlalch temp stats 912412

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Using Pandas and SQL Alchemy to explore a year's worth of climate characteristics, specifically temperature ranges, and precipitation levels within Hawaii







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