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c implementation of raft consensus algorithm


What is the Raft?

The Raft is the consensus algorithm in a distributed system promoted by Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout. Two papers In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version) and Consensus: Bridging Theory and Practice give details of the Raft algorithm. You can get more details about it in

Features of craft

  • leader election
  • log replication
  • membership changes (single server)
  • client interaction
  • simulator for test and demonstration
  • independent component library (without RPC, Storage inside) that can be embedded into your application.
  • concise code

Building and Running


Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop


  • GCC
  • g++
  • CMake
  • make

Install gflags

On Debian/Ubuntu Linux, gflags can be installed using the following command:

sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev

How to build

Go to the top directory of the project.

mkdir build
cmake --build build --config Debug --target craft

Then, you get craft library libcraft.a and three extra librares libsds.a,liblmdb.a,libsimple_logger.a inside build directory.

Also, the raft simulator binary basicsimulator is there. The simulator is a driving environment for testing the raft algorithm.

Run simulator

First, clean temp directories from the previous execution.


Then, run command following in a shell.

sudo build/basicsimulator --nodeCount=3 --testTime=40 --rebootRate=3 --enableCheckLiveness=false   --msgDropRate=60 --msgDuplicateRate=60 --msgDelayRate=70 --partitionRate=60 --memberChangeRate=30

Or, run it in the gdb environment for tracing errors

sudo gdb  --args  build/basicsimulator --nodeCount=3 --testTime=40 --rebootRate=3 --enableCheckLiveness=false   --msgDropRate=60 --msgDuplicateRate=60 --msgDelayRate=70 --partitionRate=60 --memberChangeRate=30

Usually, the simulator ouputs statistics following every 30 seconds.

loop18 ======================================================================
0 : 7 (role Follower) rebootCount 3 nodeCount 13 term 834 votedFor -1 commitIndex 3613 lastApplied 3613 lastLogIndex 3662 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 2373 election 7171 heartbeat 1500 
1 : 4 (role Candidate) rebootCount 2 nodeCount 13 term 836 votedFor 4 commitIndex 3557 lastApplied 3557 lastLogIndex 3629 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 949 election 6304 heartbeat 1500 
2 : 6 (role Candidate) rebootCount 3 nodeCount 13 term 834 votedFor 6 commitIndex 3557 lastApplied 3557 lastLogIndex 3635 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 797 election 7406 heartbeat 1500 
3 : 15 (role Candidate) rebootCount 3 nodeCount 13 term 836 votedFor 15 commitIndex 3613 lastApplied 3613 lastLogIndex 3682 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 2169 election 6826 heartbeat 1500 
4 : 8 (role Candidate) rebootCount 4 nodeCount 13 term 834 votedFor 8 commitIndex 3613 lastApplied 3613 lastLogIndex 3635 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 3616 election 6403 heartbeat 1500 
5 : 2 (role Candidate) rebootCount 4 nodeCount 13 term 835 votedFor 2 commitIndex 3613 lastApplied 3613 lastLogIndex 3669 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 4769 election 6647 heartbeat 1500 
6 : 1 (role Follower) rebootCount 3 nodeCount 13 term 836 votedFor -1 commitIndex 3557 lastApplied 3557 lastLogIndex 3655 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 4945 election 6466 heartbeat 1500 
7 : 13 (role Follower) rebootCount 3 nodeCount 13 term 836 votedFor 15 commitIndex 3557 lastApplied 3557 lastLogIndex 3621 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 2333 election 6171 heartbeat 1500 
8 : 10 (role Follower) rebootCount 3 nodeCount 13 term 836 votedFor 15 commitIndex 3613 lastApplied 3613 lastLogIndex 3662 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 0 election 7459 heartbeat 1500 

0 : 3 (role Follower) rebooting timeleft 4 s rebootCount 3 nodeCount 1 term 816 votedFor 19 commitIndex 0 lastApplied 0 lastLogIndex 0 lastLogTerm 0 lastConfigEntryIndex -1 lastNoopEntryIndex 0 timeGone 0 election 7042 heartbeat 1500 
1 : 19 (role Follower) rebooting timeleft 40 s rebootCount 3 nodeCount 13 term 828 votedFor 19 commitIndex 3500 lastApplied 3500 lastLogIndex 3500 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3322 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 0 election 6003 heartbeat 1500 
2 : 17 (role Follower) rebooting timeleft 2 s rebootCount 3 nodeCount 13 term 835 votedFor 15 commitIndex 3557 lastApplied 3557 lastLogIndex 3655 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 0 election 7078 heartbeat 1500 
3 : 5 (role Follower) rebooting timeleft 30 s rebootCount 4 nodeCount 13 term 836 votedFor 5 commitIndex 3613 lastApplied 3613 lastLogIndex 3669 lastLogTerm 10 lastConfigEntryIndex 3616 lastNoopEntryIndex 240 timeGone 0 election 7059 heartbeat 1500 

loop18 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

You will get more hints about the usage of the simulator in testcmd.txt, basicsimulator.h and basicsimulator.cpp

Basic docs

Raft Consensus Algorithms


The simulator is a kind of test framework that drives the raft library for tests and demonstrations.

Recently, I promote the basic structure for the simulator which include these features:

  1. liveness check;
  2. election safety check;
  3. log matching check;
  4. last log index validity check;
  5. entry index monotonicity check;
  6. committed entries deleted check;
  7. committed entries deleted at begin check;
  8. leader append-only check;

some tactics for supporting features above:

  1. dynamic change the count of nodes;
  2. random drive time;
  3. the client messages delivery;
  4. drop messages;
  5. duplicate messages;
  6. delay messages;
  7. partition;
  8. node reboot;
  9. fast test and log control;

Formal verification

The authors of the raft have suggested a TLA+ specification for the raft. I also add some comments and complement some lemmas from the authors' papers into the original TLA+ specification.

TLA+ specification for raft consensus algorithm

Third party library

string operations

log entries persistence

options operations



c implementation of raft consensus algorithm







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