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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 31, 2024. It is now read-only.

This repository, called fast sentence transformers, contains code to run 5X faster sentence transformers using tools like quantization and ONNX.


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This package has been archived but I've got good news! Sentence Transformers has an awesome maintainer again @tomaarsen, along with awesome ONNX integrations through optimum, therefore I decided to archive this project. Take a look here

Fast Sentence Transformers

This repository contains code to run faster sentence-transformers using tools like quantization and ONNX. Just run your model much faster, while a lot of memory. There is not much to it!

Python package Current Release Version pypi Version PyPi downloads Code style: black


pip install fast-sentence-transformers

Or for GPU support.

pip install fast-sentence-transformers[gpu]


from fast_sentence_transformers import FastSentenceTransformer as SentenceTransformer

# use any sentence-transformer
encoder = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2", device="cpu", quantize=True)

encoder.encode("Hello hello, hey, hello hello")
encoder.encode(["Life is too short to eat bad food!"] * 2)


Indicative benchmark for CPU usage with smallest and largest model on sentence-transformers. Note, ONNX doesn't have GPU support for quantization yet.

model Type default ONNX ONNX+quantized ONNX+GPU
paraphrase-albert-small-v2 memory 1x 1x 1x 1x
speed 1x 2x 5x 20x
paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 memory 1x 1x 4x 4x
speed 1x 2x 5x 20x


This package heavily leans on sentence-transformers and txtai.