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Google Secret Manager Terraform module

Terraform module for creation Google secrets



Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
google >= 4.69.0


Name Version
google 4.69.1


No modules.


Name Type
google_secret_secret_manager_secret.this resource
google_secret_manager_secret_version.this resource


Name Description Type Default Required
region The location or cloud resources region for the environment. string n/a yes
env Variable to mark the environment of the resource (used to create services). string n/a yes
prefix Prefix for resource names string "" no
suffix Suffix for resource names string "" no
secrets_input A key/value pair to create a secret. The key will be used for the secret name, the value will be stored as the secret value map(string) n/a yes
expire_time Timestamp in UTC when the Secret is scheduled to expire string "" no
next_rotation_time Timestamp in UTC at which the Secret is scheduled to rotate string "" no
rotation_period The Duration between rotation notifications. If rotationPeriod is set, next_rotation_time must be set string "" no
topics_name The resource name of the Pub/Sub topic that will be published to, in the following format: projects//topics/. For publication to succeed, the Secret Manager Service Agent service account must have pubsub.publisher permissions on the topic string "" no
labels The labels associated with secrets. map(string) {} no


Name Description
secrets_id The secrets id
secrets_name The name of the secret
secrets_value The value of secrets


Apache 2 Licensed. For more information please see LICENSE