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Repository files navigation

Spring AI RAG Example

Simple example to load the entire text of a document into a vector store and then expose an API through which questions can be asked about the document's content.

docker compose up -d
docker exec -it ollama ollama run mistral

You'll also need a document for it to load. Set the app.resource property in src/main/resources/ to the resource URL of the document. For example:


The resource URL can be a file, classpath, or even an HTTP URL. The file itself can be any document type supported by Apache Tika, including PDF, Word, HTML, and more.

Then run the application as you would any Spring Boot application. For example, using Maven:

./mvnw spring-boot:run

The first time you run it, it will take a little while to load the document into the vector store (which will be persisted at /tmp/vectorstore.json). Subsequent runs will just use the persisted vector store and not try to load the document again. (This means that if you change the document resource, you'll need to delete /tmp/vectorstore.json so that it will be reloaded.)