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Beautify and/or normalize CSS files. Fork and update of a fork and update of an archived project. DEPRECATED.


DEPRECATED: The codebase is old and other alternatives exist (prettier for formatting, normalize-css for CSS normalization, and others)

perfectionist-dfd CI Coverage NPM version

Example runs


h1   {
         color   :  red }

Expanded output

h1 {
    color: red;

Compact output

h1 { color: red; }

Compressed output


Supported Environments

  • Currently Node.js 12+ are supported.
  • REVIEW: May add browser support in the future.


With npm do:

npm install postcss perfectionist-dfd --save

Import (ES6+) or require (CommonJS) in your source file


import perfectionistDFD from 'perfectionist-dfd';


const perfectionistDFD = require('perfectionist-dfd');


perfectionistDFD.process(css, [options])


Type: string Required option.

Pass a CSS string to beautify it.


Type: object optional


Type: boolean Default: true

Set this to false to disable visual cascading of vendor prefixed properties. Note that this transform only applies to the expanded format.

/* true */
h1 {
    -webkit-border-radius: 12px;
            border-radius: 12px;

/* false */
h1 {
    -webkit-border-radius: 12px;
    border-radius: 12px;

Type: string Default: lower

Set either lower or upper to transform hexadecimal colors to the according case.

/* upper */
p { color: #C8C8C8 }

/* lower */
p { color: #c8c8c8 }

Type: boolean Default: true

Set this to true to shorten hexadecimal colors.

/* true */
p { color: #fff }

/* false */
p { color: #ffffff }

Type: string Default: expanded

Pass either expanded, compact or compressed. Note that the compressed format only facilitates simple whitespace compression around selectors & declarations. For more powerful compression, see cssnano.


Type: string Default: ' ' (space)

Specify \t here instead if you would like to use tabs for indentation.


Type: number Default: 4

This number will be used as a basis for all indent levels, using the expanded format.


Type: boolean Default: true

Set this to true to trim leading zero for fractional numbers less than 1.

/* true */
p { line-height: .8 }

/* false */
p { line-height: 0.8 }

Type: boolean Default: true

Set this to true to trim trailing zeros in numbers.

/* true */
div { top: 50px }

/* false */
div { top: 50.000px }

Type: boolean|number Default: 80

If set to a positive integer, set a maximum width for at-rule parameters; if they exceed this, they will be split up over multiple lines. If false, this behaviour will not be performed. Note that this transform only applies to the expanded format.


Type: boolean|number Default: 80

If set to a positive integer, set a maximum width for a selector string; if it exceeds this, it will be split up over multiple lines. If false, this behaviour will not be performed. Note that this transform is excluded from the compressed format.


Type: boolean|number Default: 80

If set to a positive integer, set a maximum width for a property value; if it exceeds this, it will be split up over multiple lines. If false, this behaviour will not be performed. Note that this transform only applies to the expanded format.


Type: boolean Default: false

Generate a sourcemap with the transformed CSS.


Type: string

Specify scss if you would like to also format SCSS-style single line comments. This loads the postcss-scss plugin.


Type: boolean Default: true

Set this to true to trim units after zero length.

/* true */
div { padding: 0 }

/* false */
div { padding: 0px }

Example using perfectionistDFD.process

import perfectionistDFD from 'perfectionist-dfd'

const pftDFDOpts = {
    indentSize: 2,
    trimLeadingZero: false

const outCSS = perfectionistDFD.process(css, pftDFDOpts).css

postcss([ perfectionistDFD(opts) ])

perfectionist-dfd can also be consumed as a PostCSS plugin. See the PostCSS documentation for examples for your environment.


perfectionist-dfd also ships with a CLI app. To see the available options, just run:

perfectionist-dfd --help

PostCSS usage

See the PostCSS documentation for examples for your environment.


  1. TODO: #11 Update easy pieces of perfectionist-dfd to 8.x API.
  2. TODO: #12 Update main logic of perfectionist-dfd to 8.x API.
  3. TODO: #13 Update rest of perfectionist-dfd to 8.x API.
  4. TODO: #14 Improve and enhance perfectionist-dfd as a PostCSS plugin.
  5. TODO: #15 Improve and enhance as a standalone tool.
  6. REVIEW: #24 Add support for use in browser environments.


Pull requests are welcome. If you add functionality, then please add unit tests to cover it.


MIT © 2015 Ben Briggs
MIT © 2022 Daniel F. Dickinson