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Read me [WIP - Work in progress]

This project was developed to practice NodeJS with Express, and to train the programming logic. The project was a challenge that we found to deepen our knowledge.

Our goal with this project was to reproduce a backend that can simulate Trello's actions. The system has JWT authentication, each user can create his board and create tasks for the board, perform ordering and perform the flow of a kanban board

Api endpoints:

Root Route

Method Route
GET / returns WIP

Session Controller

Method Route
POST /session returns WIP

User Routes

Method Route
GET /users returns WIP
POST /users returns WIP
GET /users/:id returns WIP
PUT /users returns WIP
DELETE /users/:id returns WIP

Board Routes

Method Route
GET /boards returns WIP
GET /boards/:id returns WIP
POST /boards returns WIP
PUT /boards returns WIP
DELETE /boards/:id returns WIP

UserBoard Routes

Method Route
GET /userboards returns WIP
POST /userboards returns WIP
DELETE /userboards/:id returns WIP

Userboard and List nested in Board Route a board

Method Route
GET /boards/:board_id/usersboard returns WIP
GET /boards/:board_id/lists returns WIP
POST /boards/:board_id/lists returns WIP
DELETE /boards/:board_id/lists/:id returns WIP
PUT /boards/:board_id/lists returns WIP

Tasks from a board

Method Route
GET /boards/:board_id/tasks returns WIP

Task Details

Method Route
GET /boards/lists/tasks/:id returns WIP
POST /boards/lists/:list_id/tasks returns WIP
PUT /boards/lists/tasks/:id returns WIP
DELETE /boards/lists/tasks/:id returns WIP

▶️ Steps to run:

On terminal

  1. Clone the project

  2. 'yarn' to download dependencies

  3. 'yarn sequelize db:migrate' to create tables

  4. 'yarn dev' to run with nodemon on dev env mode

  5. 'yarn start' to run production env mode with nodemon

  6. 'yarn test' to run all tests


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