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This server is a Multithreaded TFTP Server based on Trivial File Transfer Protocol
and is normally used for PXE Boot or storing/retrieving router images. It supports advance
options like tsize, blksize, timeout and Port Ranges.

MultiThreaded server (opentftpmtV1.6x) listens on listening port for new requests,
however further communication is done on any free server port (from specified port range),
using new independent thread.

This version supports thread pool. If you have specified thread pool size, threads will
be pre-created and used and put back to pool. If number of simultaneous requests are
more than thread pool size, extra treads will be created and killed.

If you are not able to open multiple ports in firewall, other than listening port, you
can try single port version (opentftpspV1.6x) of this server. Single port version responds
on same port where it listens (default 69). Single port version can also serve multiple clients
at same time despite single port/thread being used. It is only little slower than
multithreaded server.

If you are accessing TFTP Server using NAT Gateway, your request will go to the server
but server may not be able to send response back to to you. This is true with this MT Server.
In this case too, you have to download and use Single Port version (opentftpspV1.6x) 
of this server.
This is stable Release 1.64

CHANGES in 1.64

1) The Server now detects the interfaces dynamically and listens on each of them.
   This causes better performance.
2) Demonizing script is enchanced to use service and chkconfig commands.

CHANGES in 1.63

1) Logging has been changed, now new log file is created everyday and never overwritten.

CHANGES in 1.61

1) Program can be run as selected user, after starting as privileged user
2) Can listen on this would allow listening on all interfaces
3) File buffering has been improved

CHANGES in 1.5

1) Bug about filename being too large is fixed
2) Read, Write and Overwrite permissions can be configured independently

BUGS FIXED in Release 1.41

1) LogFile bug fixed.
2) Multiple Messages on Stopping Fixed.
3) Thread Looping on Socket No. being 0 Fixed.

ENHANCEMENTS in Release 1.4

1) This release supports Thread Pool.
2) log file, ini file and state files locations can be overridden.

BUGS FIXED in Release 1.31
1) Max Block Size is 65464, bug fixed for setting this.
2) Code Cleanup and More Error Handling

NEW FEATURES in Release 1.3

1) Listening ports can also be specified. Ports more than 1024 do not need root account
2) Block size can now be as large as 65503.
3) Block Number rollover added, allowing transfer of files of any size.

NEW FEATURES in Release 1.2

1) Multiple Listening Interfaces can be specified.
2) Logging has been added.
3) Multiple directories can be added to home using aliases
4) Permitted Hosts can be specified


The latest version can be downloaded from


Expand the .gz file to an directory, say /opt/opentftpdmt using shell, goto that
directory, edit opentftpd.ini file (may just specify home dir), move opentftpd.ini
file to /etc directory or specify file locations with -i and -l flags.
For daemonizing, look at section DAEMONIZING below.


The included file opentftpd is an executive file for Linux/Intel only.
YOU NEED TO RE-COMPILE ON Other non-intel Platforms like AIX, Solaris on GCC as:-
g++ opentftpd.cpp -lpthread -oopentftpd
cc opentftpd.cpp -oopentftpd -lsocket -lnsl -lpthread (on Solaris)


This server runs in Debug Mode (with flag -v) or as Service (without any flag).
give following command as root:-

opentftpd#./opentftpd -v

You will see following results:-

Starting TFTP...
alias / is mapped to /home/
listening On:
listening On:
permitted Clients: all
server port ranges: all
max blksize: 65464
default blksize: 512
default interval: 3
overwrite existing files: no
thread pool size: 1

accepting requests..

Now open one more shell and give following commands:-

$tftp localhost
tftp>get {some file name in home dir}
Received 13112 bytes in 0.0 seconds

and on server you may see
client file ...... # blocks served


This program runs in two modes:-
a) Verbatim Mode (using -v argument)
b) Daemon (not using -v argument)

This program uses helper files:-
i)   -i[inifile], where configuration settings can be specified,
     default is /etc/opentftpd.ini
ii) -l[logfile] dumps log to this file in daemon mode, default is syslog

You can run as:-

/opt/opentftpdmt/opentftpd (daemon with default ini file and syslog)
/opt/opentftpdmt/opentftpd -v (verbatim with default files)
/opt/opentftpdmt/opentftpd -i inifile -l logfile (as daemon)
/opt/opentftpdmt/opentftpd -i inifile (as daemon with syslog)
/opt/opentftpdmt/opentftpd  -v -i inifile (as verbatim)


If your system supports chkconfig command, you can use the enclosed
rc.opentftp file to add the service. Simply copy rc.opentftp as
/etc/init.d/opentftp (better just create a link to it as opentftp in init.d)
and make it executable. Also change the file paths (depending on where you
have installed the executive and log file directory) in this file.
Then you can use chkconfig command to add the daemon.

#ln -s /opt/opentftp/rc.opentftp /etc/init.d/opentftp
#chmod 755 /etc/init.d/opentftp
#chkconfig --add opentftp
#chkconfig opentftp on
Thats all you may need.

If you dont have chkconfig command, you can manually modify boot scripts
in /etc/rc.d/rc.local file or /etc/inittab file or /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2
file. Also you need to do following changes:-

Add the enclosed rc.opentftp script in /etc/rc.d and make it executable (755).
Also change the file paths (depending on where you have installed the executive
and log file directory) in this file. Finally you need to add the lines:-

# Start the Dual DHCP DNS Server daemon:
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.opentftp ]; then
/etc/rc.d/rc.opentftp start

to any of above scripts (preferably to /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2)


You need home directory(s) to be set in opentftpd.ini file,
you may leave other parameters commented like blksize and interval.
If you have very few files being transferred, keep thread pool size 0

You can use single directory as HOME directory. That case, all paths are 
appended to HOME directory. For example, your entry under [HOME] is:-


Then any request would be translated as
"get /myfile/bootfile.boot" to /opt/bootfiles/myfile/bootfile.boot on server.
it would be simply prepended to requested file path.

But if you use an alias like


Then your requests would be translated as:-

"get /a/myfile/bootfile.boot" to /opt/bootfiles/myfile/bootfile.boot
"get /b/myfile/bootfile.boot" to /asdf/sdf/sfsd/myfile/bootfile.boot
"get /c/myfile/bootfile.boot" to /opt/sfrd/dsfr/myfile/bootfile.boot

on server (alias would be substituted with it's value)

In this case any request, not starting with any of alias a,b,c would be errored out.
The advantage of using alias is you can specify multiple locations.


1) This program is released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991
2) This document is also released under above license.


If program is not responding:-

1) Ensure that you start this program as root only if listening on ports less than 1024.
   Even if you have specified username in ini file, program need to start as root for
   these ports and it will automatically switch to specified user, as it starts.
2) Run in verbatim mode first (with -v flag), it will provide all debug information
   as it verbatim the activities.
3) Errors like "bind failed" means another opentftpd is running and listening at same
   port (default 69). You can only have one server listening on a port at a time. It may also
   come if interface specified under [LISTEN-ON] is not physically available on Server.
   If you have specified [LISTEN-ON] option, check that ip and interface are Active.
   This error may still come if you are not starting the server as root, you cannot listen
   on ports less than 1024, refer point 1) above.
4) You may try recompiling (see COMPILING above).
5) Errors like " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" 
   are possible in some Unix/Linux flavors. Please recompile the program or create symbolic
	ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/ 
	ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
   (? is library version as reported in error)
   or add the library path (directory where above file is) to env variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
6) Max size of file being transferred depends on block size, the max block count being 65536,
   it would be 512*65536 or 32MB. This limitation can be increased by increasing block size
   upto 65464 which makes the max file size to 4.2 GB. However the block size also depend on
   client. Most clients like Unix/Linux support block number rollover, which make the max 
   file size unlimited, irrespective of block size.
7) If you are accessing TFTP Server using NAT Gateway, your request will go to the server
   but server may not be able to send response back to to you. This is true with MT Server.
   In this case you have to download and use Single Port version of this server.


Just remove the program directory. You should also remove entries from initialize scripts of 
your machine.


If you find any problem with this program or need more features, please send mail to [email protected].
You may also send thanks email if it works fine for you.

If you find that this program is suitable for your production environment and you are using it, Please
consider some donation for this project. Please dont be lazy about it. I have spent 100 hours on this
project but no donation has been received so far.


No description or website provided.








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