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Laravel Exception Notifications

An easy way to send emails with stack trace whenever an exception occurs on the server for Laravel applications.

exceptionemail example image


Install via Composer

composer require darshan/exceptionemail

Configure Laravel

Add ExceptionEmail's Exception Capturing

Add exception capturing to app/Exceptions/Handler.php:

use Throwable;
public function report(Throwable $exception)


Configuration File

Create ExceptionEmail configuration file with this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Webmonks\ExceptionEmail\ExceptionEmailServiceProvider"

The config file will be published in config/exceptionemail.php

Following are the configuration attributes used for the ExceptionEmail.


The package comes with 'silent' => true, configuration by default, since you probably don't want error emailing enabled on your development environment. Especially if you've set 'debug' => true,.

'silent' => env('IS_EXCEPTION_EMAIL_SILENT', true),

For sending emails when an exception occurs set IS_EXCEPTION_EMAIL_SILENT=false in your .env file.


It contains the list of the exception types that should be captured. You can add your exceptions here for which you want to send error emails.

By default, the package has included Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException::class.

'capture' => [

You can also use '*' in the $capture array which will, in return captures every exception.

'capture' => [

Ignore Exception to sending over emails.

By default, the package has included nothing to ignore exception email list

'ignored_exception' => [
    // Webmonks\ExceptionEmail\Exceptions\DummyException::class,

But if you want to ignore any specific type of exceptions you can add in the $ignored_exception array which will, in return ignored those specified exceptions.


'ignored_exception' => [

To use this feature you need to add the following code in app/Exceptions/Handler.php:

public function report(Exception $exception)
    if ($this->shouldReport($exception)) {



It's a list of recipients who will receive error emails.

'to' => [
    // '[email protected]',


It's a list of bots for where you would like to ignore sending error emails.

'ignored_bots' => [
    'googlebot',        // Googlebot
    'bingbot',          // Microsoft Bingbot
    'slurp',            // Yahoo! Slurp
    'ia_archiver',      // Alexa


Run the following command in order to customize the subject and body of the email

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Webmonks\ExceptionEmail\ExceptionEmailServiceProvider"

Note - Don't run this command again if you have already run it.

Now, subject and body views are located in the resources/views/vendor/exceptionemail directory for the emails.

We have passed the thrown exception object $exception in a view which you can use to customize according to your need.


Test your integration

To verify ExceptionEmail is configured correctly and our integration is working, use exceptionemail:test Artisan command:

php artisan exceptionemail:test

A Webmonks\ExceptionEmail\Exceptions\DummyException class will be thrown and captured by ExceptionEmail. The captured exception will appear in your configured email immediately.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


About Webmonks

Webmonks is a startup company for product development based in Ahmedabad, India. You'll find an overview of all our open source projects on GitHub.


The MIT License. Please see License File for more information. Copyright © 2020 Webmonks