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EZForm is an easy form and field-level validation library for react using Material UI components

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EZForm is an easy form and field-level validation library for react

Build Project

npm install -g typescript; npm install; npm run build;


You can find a working demo using @ezform/mui:



npm i @ezform/core --save



  • Lightweight (11.3kb gzipped) and zero dependencies
  • Full typescript support
  • Easy to use (intuitive usage, field level validation/no schematics)
  • Flexible (hooks based, no form wrapper)
  • Easy to extend (custom fields, custom validators)
  • Good performance (only necessary rerenders)
  • Multilingual support

How it works

Each Field component registers its validator to the form object created by the useForm hook. This process takes place after the component has been mounted. In turn, when the component is unmounted, it automatically unregisters itself from the form. This means you can dynamically add and remove form fields and have more complex structured forms, without having to know how all fields look like in the form.

The aim of this project was to make a powerful validation library that is flexible and easy to use without sacrificing functionality.


For example:

const ezform = useForm({
    onSubmit: (values) => {
        console.log("Form got submitted. Form values:", values);
    initialState: {
        firstName: "Johnny",
        lastName: "Silverhand",
        address: {
            city: "New York",
            country: "United States"
    formatMessage: (messageKey) => translate(messageKey),
    submitUnmountedFields: false,
    isReadonly: false

The useForm hook returns a FormRefObject which contains the following properties/methods:

  • getFields: (object containing all form fields with its values, returns a nested object)
  • setFields: (setterFunction: default setter function for the form fields state)
  • setField: (name: string, value: any, validateImmediately?: boolean (default true))
  • getField: (name: string)
  • getErrors: (object containing all form fields with its error messages or null, returns a nested object)
  • setErrors: (default setter function for the form errors state)
  • hasError: (fieldName: string) => boolean
  • validatorsRef: (ref object containing all currently registered validators);
  • submit: (validate?: boolean) => void (submit the form, validate defaults to true if not passed)
  • reset: () => void (clears all form fields and resets the errors)
  • getHelperText: (fieldName: string) => string
  • formatMessage?: (messageKey: string) => string
  • isReadonly?: boolean (indicates if the form is readonly)
  • validate: () => boolean (Validate all fields and returns if the form has errors)

Please note: the examples shown use @ezform/mui form components. Click here to use ezform with the Material UI form components.

<FieldText name="firstName" form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />
<FieldText name="lastName" form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />
<FieldText name="" form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />
<FieldText name="" form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />

You can create fully dynamic forms. Specify an object path to define fields:

// Map this fields value to 'firstName' property of first client
<FieldText name="clients[0].firstName" form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />

// or map 5 fields iteratively
{ Array(5).fill().map((num, index) => (
    <FieldText name={"clients[" + index + "].firstName"} form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />

In order to submit the form, call the submit function returned by the hook:

<button onClick={() => ezform.submit()}>Submit</button>

Global Config

You can define a global configuration for all forms in your application:

import { EzformConfig } from "@ezform/core";

// set config globally
    formatMessage: myGlobalTranslateFunction,
    submitUnmountedFields: false,
    logging: {
        warnOnErrors: false,
        logFields: false,

// get global config
const config = EzformConfig();

The global config can be overridden in the config for each individual form.


EZForm works with pure functions as validators and each Field component can take an optional validator prop. The function takes one argument which is the value that the field holds and a fields argument which consists of all the forms current field values. The only requirement for this function is, that it returns a string with an error message in case the input failed the validation, or null when the validation was successful.

This means you can pass any function that follows these requirements:

const customValidator = (value: any, fields: FieldValues) => {
    if (value === "SomeCondition") {
        return "This is your error text!";
    return null;

If you configured useForm for use with translations, your validator can also accept a third parameter:

const customValidatorWithTranslation = (value: any, fields: FieldValues, formatMessage?: (messageKey: string) => string) => {
    if (value === "SomeCondition") {
        return formatMessage ? formatMessage("translation_key") : "Fallback error text!";
    return null;

However, EZForm already comes with some basic validator functions that are ready to use:


Checks if a field has a null value or an empty string value


Checks if an array (such as the value of a checkbox group or multiselect) is empty


Checks if a fields value is a number


Checks if an email is formed correctly


Checks if an URL is formed correctly


Checks if a date was entered correctly


Checks if a file was selected on a FieldFile (@ezform/mui) component. Please note that this validator only checks if a file is selected, but not if the filetype or size is invalid. You need to implement your own validator to handle these cases.


This function can be used to combine multiple validators. They will be checked in the order from first to last in the array.


<FieldText validator={combinedValidator([requiredValidator, urlValidator])} ... />

Creating your own Fields

You may want to integrate EZForm into your project without having to use @ezform/mui form components.

All EZForm needs to work, is for your component to:

  • accept a name, form and validator prop
  • call the useField hook and pass the name, validator and form as function arguments. You can optionally pass a fourth argument to provide a default value which sets the field value on mount.
  • implement a handleChange function which modifies the form field by calling ezform.setField(name, value, validateImmediately);. Notice that you need to pass the name prop to let EZForm know which field you are changing as well as the value of the form field. You can optionally instruct EZForm to validate the field after a change. If you don't pass the validateImmediately argument, it will default to true.

Here is a minimal example on how to create your own text input with validation ability:

import { useField } from "@ezform/core";

const CustomInputComponent = (props) => {
  const { name, form, validator = () => null } = props;

  // always call this first to register the component to the form
  useField(name, validator, form);

  const handleChange = (e) => {

  return (
      style={form.hasError(name) ? { background: "red" } : {}}


<CustomInputComponent name="myfield" form={myform} validator={requiredValidator} />

In order to minimize rerenders, use Reacts memo and the propsEqual function that EZForm provides:

import React, { memo } from "react";
import { propsEqual } from "@ezform/core";

const CustomInputComponentMemo = memo(CustomInputComponent, propsEqual);


EZForm is an easy form and field-level validation library for react using Material UI components







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