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Releases: cotoami/cotoami

v0.23.0 - Cotoami Scraper / Random Cotos / Grouping

05 Jun 03:29
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This release adds new features to support Cotoami's Input/Observe/Connect cycle.

Cotoami Scraper

To discover interesting connections, you should collect as many varieties of Cotos as possible. But how? Cotoami Scraper helps you generate Cotos from various sources.

Cotoami Scraper is a Chrome Extension that scrapes web content to generate inputs for Cotoami. Currently, it supports the three types of content in web pages: Page link, Selection and Kindle highlights. The screenshot below shows scraping Kindle highlights.


From this version, Cotoami can accept posts from Cotoami Scraper.

Cotoami Scraper is available on Chrome Web Store and being developed as an open source project.

Random/Shuffle Cotos (#139)

After collecting a variety of Cotos, this new random/shuffle feature helps you observe various combinations of Cotos to discover new connections.


We're expecting this feature to lower the hurdle of posting contents even if they are apparently irrelevant or unrelated to the current context. You can expect to find them later in serendipitous combinations.

Grouping (#143)

When you observe Cotos and notice some connection or commonality between some of them, but the commonality is not yet clear to you, this new grouping feature would be useful.

"Pin as a group" button on the selection allows you to make a group without naming it.


Minor improvements

  • Retain coto-selection on changing the current cotonoma (#140).
  • Introduce searchId to ensure to display the last result of asynchronous requests.
  • Keep the scroll position on posting if the position is not at the bottom of the timeline.

v0.22.0 - Graph rendering with node weighing

29 Apr 09:25
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This release improves coto-graph rendering.

Nodes are rendered differently according to the number of their incoming/outgoing connections. Having more outgoing connections makes the node larger, and having more incoming connections makes the node's border thicker.

The color of pinned cotos has been changed to make them stick out in a graph.

Before this update:


After this update:


Improved linking phrase rendering (#135)

Another improvement to graph rendering to avoid linking phrases being hidden by overlapping.

Before this update:


After this update:


Collapsible navigation in a wide viewport (#136)

The leftmost navigation column can be collapsed in addition to the timeline column.


Minor improvements

  • Application info modal (#137)
  • Add a subgraph load button at the bottom of each cotonoma-coto
  • Subgraph loading in fullscreen graph view
  • Change the graph icon
  • Display an orange graph icon in each coto that will be rendered in a graph
  • Add a new coto-status icon: in-pinned-graph

v0.21.0 - Linking Phrases

28 Feb 04:23
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This release comes with an important feature "Linking Phrases", which allows you to annotate connections.


The term "Linking Phrases" is borrowed from Concept Maps. Actually, you can create concept maps with this new feature. The screenshot below is an example of a concept map explaining why we have seasons (the original concept map is presented in the article at Concept Maps official website:


I've also uploaded a youtube video in which I created the concept map:

Making a concept map with Cotoami

Concept mapping is a good way to demonstrate this feature, but an important difference is that Cotoami's linking phrases are optional. That means you should avoid annotating connections unless the relationships are obscure to you. Those obscure relationships are new and possibly valuable knowledge for you, and should be highlighted in your knowledge-base (That's why annotated connections are rendered so that they stand out as you can see in the above example.). I personally call them "Horizontal Relationships".

On the other hand, "Vertical Relationships" generally means inclusive or deductive relationships like "has(includes)", or "results in", "is determined by" in the concept map example above. These relationships can be expressed only by arrow lines and you wouldn't feel the need for annotations in most cases.

v0.20.0 - Cotonoma Watchlist

26 Nov 10:52
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This release provides a way to know whether there are any unread cotos in cotonomas without checking them out by opening each cotonoma.

You can add a shared cotonoma, which has a people icon next to its name, to your watchlist via the hover toolbar or coto menu modal.


Then the watchlist will notify you of unread posts by displaying a unread mark on each cotonoma's icon. The unread mark will be also shown on the favicon in the title bar.


Full-viewport graph mode

The coto graph view now supports full-viewport mode. It's handy especially when you browse your coto-graphs on your mobile devices.


v0.18.0 - Sign-In with OAuth 2.0

30 Sep 11:38
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This release adds a new way to sign-in to Cotoami: OAuth 2.0. At this time, it supports two OAuth 2.0 providers: Google and GitHub.

oauth2 0

You can enable and configure OAuth sign-in with the environment variables as follows:

    • Specify OAuth2 providers to be enabled (comma separated).
    • Supported providers: google, github
  • Google
    • OAUTH_GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI - <your-app-url>/auth/google/callback
  • GitHub
    • OAUTH_GITHUB_REDIRECT_URI - <your-app-url>/auth/github/callback

New language support

Thanks to the contributors, this version comes with new languages support:

  • Ukraine language (#116)
  • Russian (#118)
  • Chinese (simplified/traditional) (#120)

Minor improvements

  • Improve import/export feature
    • More compact export data
  • Display pinned cotos as pin icons in graph view

v0.17.0 - I18n support

20 Sep 09:38
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This release adds i18n support in the front-end with English and Japanese messages.

Minor improvements

  • Display the target cotonoma in coto/cotonoma editor
  • Fix nav's coto-tool-button not to slip out of place when cotos are selected

v0.16.0 - Cotonomas are private by default

30 Jul 07:47
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This release adds a big change to the visibility rule. Cotonomas are now private by default. Your data is not visible to other users unless you make your cotonoma 'shared with other users' explicitly. A shared cotonoma is accessible by signed-in users who know its URL. There's no member restriction mechanism yet.


The search has been updated according to this change. You can search only your cotos and cotos posted in your cotonomas.

New logo

@reallinfo was kind enough to design Cotoami's logo!


Cotoami logo design — Steemit

v0.15.0 - Timeline Filter

30 Jun 16:13
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This release adds a way to narrow down the cotos in a timeline.



The timeline filter currently has two options:

  • Hide cotos incorporated in the pinned documents
  • Hide cotos posted in a cotonoma other than My Home (available only in "My Home")

v0.14.0 - Coto Graph Visualization

05 Jun 13:26
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This is a huge enhancement. Just look at the screenshot below.


You can now browse your coto-graphs in this beautifully laid out network view.

This view doesn't visualize all the cotos in a graph. It targets only special cotos that are called "topic cotos".

A topic coto is:

  • a coto whose content is just one line and shorter than or equal to 50
  • or a cotonoma

The graph view will be updated simultaneously when you pin or connect cotos:


You can also open a coto by clicking on a node in a graph:


Minor improvements

  • Display parent coto content in steps of a traversal
  • Move the timeline-toggle to the right side

v0.13.0 - New timeline layout variation: tile

31 May 13:09
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This release adds an experimental enhancement to the timeline:


Now the timeline has two layout variations: stream (default) and tile. The tile view is introduced in this version and provides a bird's-eye view of a timeline history.