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Commitspark Content Editing Frontend

This repository holds the content editing frontend of CMS Commitspark.

In Commitspark, by design, all data is stored in a Git repository on a hosted Git provider (e.g. GitHub), from content model (schema) and configuration all the way to actual content entries.

As all data is stored in a Git repository hosted by a Git provider, the editing frontend is light-weight and does not require any additional persistence such as a database. Please see the Commitspark documentation for further information.

User authentication

Authentication of frontend users (i.e. content editors) is performed against the Git provider where a content repository is hosted. The underlying idea is that content editors can then use the same collaboration features that software developers use on these platforms (e.g. commenting, approval).

Supported Git providers

  • GitHub

Support for GitLab is planned for a future release.


On GitHub, user authentication can be performed via a GitHub App.

To create a GitHub App that can authenticate your content editors, go to Settings -> Developers settings -> (GitHub Apps) -> New GitHub App under the user or organization that owns your designated content repository.

The following settings are relevant, all other settings can be left to their defaults:

Setting Description Value
Homepage URL Enter the base URL that the frontend will be reachable under e.g. http://localhost:3000/ or
Callback URL Enter the URL that GitHub should redirect to upon successful user authentication.

The built-in authentication route for GitHub is /api/oauth/authorize-github-app/
e.g. http://localhost:3000/api/oauth/authorize-github-app/ or
Expire user authorization tokens Turn this off as token expiry is currently not supported Off
Webhook Notification about GitHub platform events related to the App is not relevant and must be turned off Off
Permissions Determines App access Repository permissions
Contents: Read and write
Metadata: Read-only

See the GitHub documentation for details.

Once the App is created:

  • On the App's settings page, note the Client ID under General -> About, e.g. Iv1.abcef12345678901
  • Generate a client secret with Generate a new client secret and copy the 40 character long hex key shown on screen
  • Install the App into your GitHub account or organization under Install App -> Install and select one or more of your designated content repositories that content editors authenticating via the App may access

Running the Commitspark editing frontend


The frontend application is configured through environment variables or a .env file (.env.dist can be used as a template).

The following variables must be configured:

Variable Description
GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID Client ID of GitHub App to be used for user authentication (see above),
e.g. Iv1.abcef12345678901
GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET 40 character long hexadecimal client secret of the GitHub App,
e.g. 0123456789abcdef01234567890abcdef0123456
HOSTING_URL Public URL where this frontend is going to be reachable,
e.g. http://localhost:3000 or

Running from source

The frontend is implemented as a Next.js application, so the standard concepts of running and deploying Next.js applications apply.

For local development or evaluation, simply run these commands:

npm install
npm run dev

Then open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Running from Docker

Automated builds of branch main are published as a Docker image to GitHub packages:

Run the image as follows:

docker run -e "GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=..." -e "GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=..." -e "HOSTING_URL=http://localhost:3000" -p --name commitspark-frontend

Then open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Getting started with content editing

To quickly see the Commitspark editing frontend in action, we offer a public example content repository which you can use as a template for your own content repository.

After cloning, ensure your GitHub App grants access to this new repository (GitHub -> Settings -> GitHub Apps -> Configure -> Repository access), then go to your Commitspark frontend, sign in with GitHub and start editing in the repository.


Content Editing Front-end of the Commitspark CMS








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