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Localizing the adopt a platform to your community.

Stanley Zheng edited this page Aug 27, 2017 · 2 revisions

So you have forked the adopt-a-hydrant project. Now what? One of the first things you will need to do is to update the code to reference your local community. Otherwise you will have many a confused users wondering why Boston or Honolulu is mentioned for your adopt-a app. A side note, adopt-a-hydrant uses "things" when referring to what is adopted.

This is a brief guide to help you localize the code to your community.

Update Terms of Service:

  • Replace fire hydrant with your "Thing" (use find and replace)
  • Change AAH to AA"First Letter of Your Thing", so for adopt-a-drain it would be AAD.
  • Replace Boston with your City (Line 13 & 233)
  • Replace Commonwealth of Massachusetts with your State (Line 233)
  • Replace hydrant specific language with your "things" language (line 13-32), for adopt a drain this would include removing references to shoveling.
  • Update last date of update (last line)

Update Mailer:

  • Replace hydrant with your "Thing"
  • Convert message text so that it works with your "Thing"