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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
p: critical
p: critical
Address as soon as possible
p: high
p: high
Address issue at next possible opening
p: low
p: low
Address issue when time permits
p: medium
p: medium
Address issue before the next release if possible
s: can't reproduce
s: can't reproduce
Unable to reproduce the issue
s: confirmed
s: confirmed
Issue was confirmed to exist
s: duplicate
s: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
s: needs information
s: needs information
s: question-answered
s: question-answered
Question has been answered.
s: question-needs-answer
s: question-needs-answer
Question has yet to be answered.
s: triage-needed
s: triage-needed
New bug report that needs to be classified.
s: won't do/fix
s: won't do/fix
This will not be worked on
t: bug
t: bug
Something isn't working
t: discussion
t: discussion
Question & Answer
t: documentation
t: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
t: enhancement
t: enhancement
New feature or request
t: feature-request
t: feature-request
Request the addition of a new feature
t: question
t: question
Further information is requested
t: upstream
t: upstream
Issue must be resolved elsewhere