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Making Close

How we think about building product at Close.

To write a new blog post, simply follow the existing pattern inside _posts. GitHub will automatically build and deploy to GitHub Pages when something is pushed to master.

Writing a Post

  1. Create a new branch (named to indicate the post content).
  2. Create an file in a new folder within the _posts directory
  3. Name the folder according to the date and slug of the post e.g. 2020-09-22-my-super-post/*
  4. Add any images to the same folder and insert them using a ./filename.png relative path. Don't worry about resizing or optimizing: Gatsby does that at build time.
  5. Don't link images to their originals: Gatsby will autolink at build time.
  6. Complete the frontmatter details (below).
  7. Commit then push changes, and create a PR.
title: 'My Super Post'
date: 2019-11-06
permalink: /posts/my-super-post
author: Alex Prokop
thumbnail: ''
metaDescription: ''
tags: [Engineering, Open Source, MongoDB] # Must be written as you want them to appear in titles

*while not necessary for creating the post (which relies on the slug in the frontmatter) it helps file organization.

Developing the site

The site uses the Gatsby static site generator and is deployed with Vercel.

git clone [email protected]:closeio/
npm i
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:8000