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Command Line Tools for CiviCRM

Contributors: See full Contributor List
Tags: civicrm, command-line, utility, wp-cli
Requires at least: 4.9
Tested up to: 6.5-alpha
Stable tag: 1.0.0a
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
License URI:

Manage CiviCRM through the command line.


Command Line Tools for CiviCRM is a WordPress "Feature Plugin" whose primary purpose is for the development of the wp civicrm command provided by CiviCRM.


Important Before activating this plugin, you must make sure that CiviCRM does not load its wp-cli tools. Add the following code to your wp-config.php file (or create a "Must Use" plugin that contains the code):

 * Prevent CiviCRM from loading its wp-cli tools.
define( 'CIVICRM_WPCLI_LOADED', 1 );

For convenience, there is a "Must Use" plugin included in the mu-plugin directory in this plugin. Simply copy the cli-tools-mu-plugin.php file to your /wp-content/mu-plugins directory. If you don't have a /wp-content/mu-plugins directory, just create it before you copy the file.

There are two ways to install from GitHub:

ZIP Download

If you have downloaded Command Line Tools for CiviCRM as a ZIP file from the GitHub repository, do the following to install and activate the plugin:

  1. Unzip the .zip file and, if needed, rename the enclosing folder so that the plugin's files are located directly inside /wp-content/plugins/cli-tools-for-civicrm
  2. Ensure CiviCRM does not load its wp-cli tools using the code above or the "Must Use" plugin.
  3. Activate the plugin.
  4. You are done.

git clone

If you have cloned the code from GitHub, it is assumed that you know what you're doing.


This plugin loads the Command Line Tools in a multi-class structure that WP-CLI expects and which enables proper documentation of the civicrm command and all its sub-commands.

Dropped Commands

Unchanged Commands

  • wp civicrm api: For the time-being this command is an alias of wp civicrm api3. It may become an alias for wp civicrm api4 when that command is added, so it is definitely better to use wp civicrm api3 directly to avoid problems in the future. There will, of course, be a deprecation notice issued well before the switch, so don't worry!
  • wp civicrm pipe: This command will remain in the top-level namespace.

New Commands

There is a new command wp civicrm core <command> which (sort of) mirrors the functionality in wp core <command>. It holds the commands that apply to CiviCRM as a whole.

Command Description Old Command
wp civicrm core activate Activates the CiviCRM plugin and loads the database. New
wp civicrm core backup Back up the CiviCRM plugin, CiviCRM files and database. New
wp civicrm core check-update Checks for CiviCRM updates via Version Check API. New
wp civicrm core check-version Checks for a CiviCRM version or matching localization archive. New
wp civicrm core download Downloads core CiviCRM files. New
wp civicrm core install Installs the CiviCRM plugin. wp civicrm install but without activation
wp civicrm core is-installed Checks if CiviCRM is installed. Not implemented yet
wp civicrm core restore Restore the CiviCRM plugin, CiviCRM files and database from a backup. Requires a backup made with wp civicrm core backup
wp civicrm core update Updates CiviCRM to a newer version. wp civicrm upgrade
wp civicrm core update-cfg Reset paths to correct config settings. wp civicrm update-cfg
wp civicrm core update-db Runs the CiviCRM database update procedure. wp civicrm upgrade-db
wp civicrm core verify-checksums Verifies CiviCRM files against checksums via googleapis. Not implemented yet
wp civicrm core version Displays the CiviCRM version. New

Use wp help civicrm <command> or wp help civicrm core <command> for full details and examples.

There is a new command wp civicrm db <command> which (sort of) mirrors the functionality in wp db <command>. It holds the commands that apply to interaction with the CiviCRM database.

Command Description Old Command
wp civicrm db clear Drop all CiviCRM tables, views, functions and stored procedures from the database. New
wp civicrm db cli Quickly enter the MySQL command line. wp civicrm sql-cli
wp civicrm db config Show the CiviCRM database connection details. wp civicrm sql-conf
wp civicrm db connect Get a string which connects to the CiviCRM database. wp civicrm sql-connect
wp civicrm db drop Drop the CiviCRM database when it is not shared with WordPress. New
wp civicrm db drop-tables Drop the CiviCRM tables from the database. New
wp civicrm db dump Dump the whole CiviCRM database and print to STDOUT or save to a file. wp civicrm sql-dump
wp civicrm db export Export the whole CiviCRM database and print to STDOUT or save to a file. New
wp civicrm db functions Get the list of CiviCRM functions in the database. New
wp civicrm db import Loads a whole CiviCRM database. New
wp civicrm db is-shared Check if CiviCRM shares a database with WordPress. New
wp civicrm db procedures Get the list of CiviCRM procedures in the database. New
wp civicrm db query Perform a query on the CiviCRM database. wp civicrm sql-query
wp civicrm db tables Gets a set of CiviCRM tables in the database. New

Use wp help civicrm db <command> for full details and examples.

There is a new command wp civicrm ext <command> which (sort of) mirrors the functionality in cv ext. It holds the commands that apply to interaction with CiviCRM Extensions.

Command Description Equivalent in cv
wp civicrm ext download Download and optionally install a CiviCRM Extension.. cv ext:download
wp civicrm ext list List the set of CiviCRM Extensions. cv ext:list

Use wp help civicrm ext <command> for full details and examples.

Deprecated Commands

All previous commands still exist for the time being. However, because they were attached to the top-level wp civicrm namespace, it seems sensible to deprecate them in favour of better-namespaced new commands. The following table shows you replacement commands:

Old Command New Command
wp civicrm cache-clear wp civicrm cache flush
wp civicrm disable-debug wp civicrm debug disable
wp civicrm enable-debug wp civicrm debug enable
wp civicrm install See Composite Commands below
wp civicrm member-records wp civicrm job member-records or wp civicrm job membership
wp civicrm process-mail-queue wp civicrm job process-mail-queue or wp civicrm job mailing
wp civicrm restore Only works with backups made by wp civicrm upgrade
wp civicrm sql-conf wp civicrm db config or wp civicrm db conf
wp civicrm sql-connect wp civicrm db connect
wp civicrm sql-cli wp civicrm db cli
wp civicrm sql-dump wp civicrm db dump
wp civicrm sql-query wp civicrm db query
wp civicrm update-cfg wp civicrm core update-cfg
wp civicrm upgrade See Composite Commands below
wp civicrm upgrade-db wp civicrm core update-db

As above, use wp help civicrm <command> for full details and examples.

Composite Commands

There are two special cases in the set of old commands:

  • wp civicrm install
  • wp civicrm upgrade

These are both composite commands.

The wp civicrm install command calls the following sequence:

  1. wp civicrm core install
  2. wp civicrm core activate

The wp civicrm upgrade command calls the following sequence:

  1. A custom backup procedure. Better to call wp civicrm core backup instead, but wp civicrm restore requires the custom procedure.
  2. wp civicrm core update
  3. wp civicrm core update-db

In my view it is preferable to call the new commands individually in the same sequence - but there may also be a case for a set of composite commands like these for commonly used sequences. I'm open to persuasion on this, but would like to hear some good reasons to keep them in the long term.


Feature plugin for managing CiviCRM through the command line.







No packages published

Contributors 4

