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A personal collaborative todo and productive app

The app currently saves task into the room database and can retrive it using flowables

Next steps

come up with mockups for the Task app implement the part of the ui that allows a user to add task and subtasks implement the the part that allows user to save task and subtask online

High level overview

Taskit helps users to set yearly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals Users can set a list of tasks which can then be later placed in retrospect All goals cascade down to daily goals

Users can easily see any of their friends, invite them and collaborate with them to fufill tasks

user stories

  • User can add a task [the tasks enter a list of proposed task]
  • User can add a subtask under a task
  • User can set deadline for a goal
  • User can set deadline for a task and a sub-task
  • User could easily move a task from the list of task to whether weekly, monthly or yearly task
  • User has projects section(containining different types of projects and goals)
  • user has timeline tab that contains weekly, monthly and year task
  • User has colloboration tab that shows tasks and project that he is collaborating with other users.