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A prototypical, experimental framework to define and execute computational graph to train neural networks.


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Training Deep Neural Network using only NumPy

Left: autodiff; Right: tensorflow

Automatic differentiation refers to a set of algorithmic techniques for numerically computing the derivative of a function. The function is usually represented as a computational graph formed by a collection of nodes. Each node corresponds to an intermediate variable whose value "flows" to the final outcome. A node holds two pieces of data -- the variable's value and its derivative. To compute the derivatives, the intermediate values are first evaluated in the direction of "data flowing", a process called forward pass, providing results needed for the backward pass where the derivatives are computed in the opposite direction of data flowing.

This is a NumPy based framework that provides Python program interfaces for defining the computational graph and mechnisms for running the forward and backward pass to compute the derivatives. The computational graph can be built by connecting nodes (like you would do in TensorFlow or PyTorch) using basic arithmetic operations, tensor transformation operations, and common neural network layers. The actual computation of the intermediate values and derivatives is handled by NumPy.

List of Operations Supported (growing)

Operation Discription
add componentwise addition, supports broadcasting, and the + syntax
multiply componentwise multiplication, supports broadcasting, and the * syntax
sigmoid Sigmoid
tanh Tanh
relu ReLU
leaky_relu Leaky ReLU
dropout Dropout, in training or test mode
fused_batch_norm Batch normalization, in training or test mode
conv2d 2D convolution
conv2d_transpose Transposed 2D convolution
maxpool_2d 2D max pooling
avgpool_2d 2D average pooling
l2norm Computes L2 Norm of a tensor
matmul Multiply two matrices of shape [m, n] and [n, p]
reshape Reshape a tensor
reduce_mean Compute the mean of a tensor over a subset of axes
reduce_sum Compute the sum of a tensor over a subset of axes
pad Pad a tensor to a desired shape
concat Concatenate a list of tensors along an axis
slice Slice out a sub-tensor
softmax_cross_entropy_loss Softmax cross entropy loss between labels and logits
sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss Sigmoid cross entropy loss between labels and logits
placeholder A tensor whose value can be supplied when the forward/backward pass is executed
variable A tensor whose value persists across different forward/backward cycles
constant A tensor with constant value

One can create applications using differnet neural network architectures, from logistic regression(NN w/o hidden layers), to MNIST handwritten digits classification(ConvNet), and handwritten digits generation(GAN).

Design ideas

  • Represent neural network architecture as a DAG, where each node corresponds to an operation (e.g. Conv2D, arithmetic op, reshape, etc.)
  • Separate the construction of the neural network architecture (Graph, like the graph in TensorFlow) from the actual computation (Runtime, the equivalent of Session in TensorFlow). The actual value of nodes are stored in a Runtime object, and are recomputed in each forward-backward-cycle.
  • Computation of Forward pass and Backward pass are expressed as vectorized (i.e. broadcasting) Numpy operations.
  • In the forward pass, the nodes in the DAG are traversed in the order of depth-first-search (i.e. using recursive function calls)
  • In the backward pass, the nodes in the DAG are traversed in the order of breadth-first-search.


  • July 2019, the order of nodes traversal in the backward pass was changed from depth-first-search to breadth-first-search. This eliminates the need to keep track of the number of downstream nodes that have backpropped their gradients when computing the backward pass.

Table of Contents


Make sure you have a recent version of NumPy (>=1.10) and Python (>=3.7).

After cloning the repository,

git clone [email protected]:chao-ji/np-auto-diff.git autodiff

you need to make sure that the parent directory mydir

├──── autodiff

is on the Python search path list by adding


to file .bashrc or .bash_profile found in your home directory.

You should be able to run import autodiff in the Python interactive shell if installation was successful.


Graph and Node

Graph is a container that contains a number of Node objects.

There are two ways to define a computational graph. The first is to assume there is a default graph.

import autodiff as ad

a = ad.placeholder((2, 3))
b = ad.placeholder((2, 3))
c = ad.add(a, b)

default_graph = ad.get_default_graph()

assert a.graph == default_graph
assert b.graph == default_graph
assert c.graph == default_graph

The second is to explicitly create a graph, and start a context in which nodes are defined.

graph = ad.Graph()

with graph.as_default_graph():
  a = ad.placeholder((2, 3))
  b = ad.placeholder((2, 3))
  c = ad.add(a, b)

default_graph = ad.get_default_graph()

assert a.graph == graph
assert a.graph != default_graph


RunTime is an environment which simulates the execution of a Graph. It stores the intermediate value and derivative of each node in a Graph. To run a Graph in a RunTime, you need to couple them by setting graph.set_runtime(runtime), so that the graph object can access the properties of the runtime object.

import autodiff as ad

a = ad.placeholder((2, 3))
b = ad.placeholder((2, 3))
c = ad.add(a, b)

runtime = ad.RunTime()
graph = ad.get_default_graph()

feed_dict = {a: [[0., 1., 2.], [3., 4., 5.]], b: [[1., 1., 1.], [0., 0., 0.]]}

c_val = c.forward(feed_dict)
c.backward(feed_dict, bwval=[[1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.]])



# c_val
[[1. 2. 3.]
 [3. 4. 5.]]
# a's backward val
[[1. 1. 1.]
 [1. 1. 1.]]
# b's backward val
[[1. 1. 1.]
 [1. 1. 1.]]

In the example above, a and b are Placeholder objects whose value must be supplied by a feed_dict, a Python dict that maps a Node to numeric value convertable to NumPy array.

forward starts off the forward pass -- c.forward(feed_dict) returns the value of c, and has the side effect of computing the intermediate values that flow to c (i.e. the values of a and b).

Similarly backward starts off the backward pass. However, c.backward(feed_dict) does not return a value, but only has the side effect of backpropagating gradient/derivative to all nodes whose value flow to c. You can pass an array holding the gradient/derivative to be backpropped as the second argument bwval=to backward, or you can optionally leave it out and it will default to an all-one array.


import autodiff as ad
import numpy as np

a = ad.placeholder((None, 1, 2, 3))
print(a.shape) # Shape(None, 1, 2, 3)
feed_dict = {a: np.random.normal(size=(1, 1, 2, 3))}

A TensorShape object stores the static shape of a node, and it represents the best knowledge we know about the shape of a node before actually running the Graph in a RunTime. For example, the batch size dimension is often unknown when building a Graph.

In the example above, the Placeholder object a takes the first argument as the shape, and its first entry is left as None, which means it is a wildcard that matches any non-negative integer.

Note the static shape must match a dynamic shape (i.e. the actual shape of an NumPy array embodied by a node).

Arithmetic operations

import autodiff as ad

a = ad.placeholder((2, 3))
b = a + [[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]
c = [3., 4., 5.] * a

You can define a Graph using arithmetic functions like add() or multiply(). Alternatively, you can simply use Python arithmetic operators + or *, which is shorthand for add() and multiply().

Note the arithmetic operations allow for the NumPy style broadcasting, and the other non-Node argument is implicitly converted to a Constant type of Node and added to the graph.


The above code snippets only cover the essential mechanics to create and execute a computational graph. For more in-depth usage, please follow these demos.


Currently only a minimal set of Node classes have been implemented (e.g. Add, Multiply, Reshape, Conv2D, FusedBatchNorm), and additional Node types will be added later. To add new Node types, you need to subclass from the Node class in this file, and override the abstract methods _forward() and _backward(). Check this guide for more details.


This is an experimental type of work, which provides only a minimum set of core functionalities needed to build the neural network graph, compute the gradients, and update the network weights. That being said, I hope it can be useful for those interested in understanding the underlying computations involved in neural network training and inference at a deeper level.


A prototypical, experimental framework to define and execute computational graph to train neural networks.








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