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Email starred items from your Feedbin account to a chosen email address.


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Feedbin Stars to Email

Email starred items from Feedbin to a chosen email address — like your OmniFocus or Things inbox — and unstar/archive them in Feedbin.

Installation (Docker)

Pre-built Docker images are available. See Docker Hub for details.

No installation is required to use these images under Docker.

Installation (local Python)

  1. Clone the repo and change into the feedbin-stars-to-email directory
  2. Run make virtualenv to create a virtualenv for the project & install dependencies



Feedbin credentials are supplied via the environment variables FEEDBIN_USERNAME and FEEDBIN_PASSWORD.

Mailgun requires three environment variables:

  • MAILGUN_API: the Mailgun API domain to use. This is unless you’re sending from Mailgun’s EU infrastructure; in that case use
  • MAILGUN_DOMAIN: your Mailgun domain (the domain part of your --from email address)
  • MAILGUN_API_KEY: your Mailgun API key

Docker Configuration

Credentials may be placed in a .env file and given to the docker run command like:

docker run --rm --env-file /path/to/.env cdzombak/feedbin-stars-to-email:1 [OPTIONS]

(See .env.sample for a sample file.)

Alternatively, credentials may be passed directly to the docker run command like:

docker run --rm \
    -e FEEDBIN_USERNAME=myusername \
    -e FEEDBIN_PASSWORD=mypassword \
    -e \
    -e \
    -e MAILGUN_API_KEY=my_secret_mailgun_key \
    cdzombak/feedbin-stars-to-email:1 [OPTIONS]

Local Python Configuration

Your credentials can optionally be stored in a .env file alongside the script. The script will automatically read environment variables from that file. (See .env.sample for an example.)


Docker Usage

Invoke the script with docker run:

docker run --rm --env-file /path/to/.env cdzombak/feedbin-stars-to-email:1 [--dry-run false] --from [email protected] --to [email protected]

Local Python Usage

  1. Activate the virtualenv: . venv/bin/activate
  2. Run the script: python [OPTIONS]

Alternatively, invoke the virtualenv's Python interpreter directly:

venv/bin/python3 [--dry-run false] --from [email protected] --to [email protected]



Boolean. Default: True.

Dry-run specifies whether the script should actually change anything in your Feedbin account. By default, this is true, meaning no changes will be made. (In dry-run mode, emails will still be sent, since this doesn't put any data at risk.)

Once you’re confident in your configuration, activate the script with --dry-fun false.


String. Required.

The email address to send from.


String. Required.

The email address to send to.

Crontab Example

This is how I’m running this tool on my home server:

# Feedbin Stars to Things
# Runs every 10 minutes
*/10  *   *   *   *   docker run --rm --env-file $HOME/.config/feedbin/env cdzombak/feedbin-stars-to-email:1 --from "Feedbin <[email protected]>" --to "[email protected]" --dry-run false

See Also

Feedbin Auto Archiver


MIT License.


Chris Dzombak @