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Chris Griffith edited this page Mar 22, 2020 · 1 revision

Feb 2014: Inception

Box was first created under the name Namespace in the reusables package. Years of usage and suggestions helped mold it into the largest section of the reusables library.

Mar 2017: Box 1.0

After years of upgrades it became clear it was used more than most other parts of the reusables library of tools. Box become its own package.

Mar 2017: BoxLists

2.0 quickly followed 1.0, adding BoxList to allow for further dot notations while down in lists. Also added the handy to_json and to_yaml functionality.

May 2017: Options

Box 3.0 brought a lot of options to the table for maximum customization. From allowing you to freeze the box or just help you find your attributes when accessing them by dot notation.

Dec 2019: 2.7 EOL

Box 4.0 was made with python 2.x out of mind. Everything from f-strings to type-hinting was added to update the package. The modules grew large enough to separate the different objects into their own files and test files.