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Configure cluster

  1. Create Kubernetes cluster or use existing one, see [cluster setup]. Requirements:

    • Kubernetes version 1.8.1 or newer running on GKE or GCE

    • Monitoring scope monitoring set up on cluster nodes. It is enabled by default, so you should not have to do anything. See also [OAuth 2.0 API Scopes] to learn more about authentication scopes.

      You can use following commands to verify that the scopes are set correctly:

      • For GKE cluster <my_cluster>, use following command:
        gcloud container clusters describe <my_cluster>
        For each node pool check the section oauthScopes - there should be scope listed there.
      • For a GCE instance <my_instance> use following command:
        gcloud compute instances describe <my_instance>
        should be listed in the scopes section.

      To configure set scopes manually, you can use:

      • --scopes flag if you are using gcloud container clusters create command, see gcloud documentation.
      • Environment variable NODE_SCOPES if you are using [ script]. It is enabled by default.
      • To set scopes in existing clusters you can use gcloud beta compute instances set-scopes command, see gcloud documentation.
    • On GKE, you need cluster-admin permissions on your cluster. You can grant your user account these permissions with following command:

      kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)

Install Tools

Stackdriver Adapter

kubectl apply -f tools/adapter_new_resource_model.yaml

If you use Workload Identity in your cluster, additional steps are necessary. In the commands below, use your Project ID as and Google Service Account as .

  • Make sure your has monitoring.viewer IAM role.

  • Create IAM Policy Binding:

    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding --role \
      roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser --member \
      "serviceAccount:<project-id>[custom-metrics/custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter]" \
  • Annotate the Custom Metrics - Stackdriver Adapter service account:

    kubectl annotate serviceaccount --namespace custom-metrics \
      custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter \<google-service-account>@<project-id>


This demo use a simple rest server that consumes pub sub message and use an HPA based on the CPU metric.

Deploy the yaml file in the folder demo1/yaml

Create a ServiceAccount with the PubSub Consumer role and enable the WorkloadIdentity with the Kubernetes SA demo1/simple-rest-server-sa

To produce multiple message on the topic, edit the script under the folder demo1/scripts/ and run it with a specific delay

Demo 2

This demo use a simple rest server that consumes pub sub message and use an HPA based on the PubSub unacked messages metric.

Deploy the yaml file in the folder demo2/yaml

Create a ServiceAccount with the PubSub Consumer role and enable the WorkloadIdentity with the Kubernetes SA demo2/simple-rest-server-sa

To produce multiple message on the topic, edit the script under the folder demo2/scripts/ and run it with a specific delay


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