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Gnuplot-OCaml - Simple interface to Gnuplot Build status

Ocaml-Gnuplot provides a simple interface to Gnuplot from OCaml. The API supports only 2D graphs and was inspired by FnuPlot.

This is the continuation of . Changes mainly include API changes that are friendlier with module Gp = Gnuplot (as opposed to open Gnuplot), moving to dune for the build, and removing Core as a dependency.



$ opam install gnuplot

From Source

$ make
$ make install

NOTE: For a persistent X11 terminal add set term x11 persist to your .gnuplot file in your home directory.



The API-documentation of this distribution can be built with make doc. It can also be found online.


This simple example

module Gp = Gnuplot

let () =
  let gp = Gp.create () in
  Gp.plot_many gp ~range:(Gp.Range.XY (-10., 10., -1.5, 1.5))
   [ Gp.Series.lines_func  "sin(x)" ~title:"Plot a line" ~color:`Blue
   ; Gp.Series.points_func "cos(x)" ~title:"Plot points" ~color:`Green ];
  Gp.close gp

generates the following plot:

Simple Plot

For more examples please refer to the examples-directory of this distribution. You can build the examples with dune, e.g.

$ dune build examples/gbm_paths.exe


$ dune exec examples/gbm_paths.exe

displays 10 simulated paths of geometric Brownian motion:

GBM Paths