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Ben Weinstein edited this page Apr 13, 2018 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the DeepMeerkat wiki!

If you find an issue please submit it with your operating system, version number, and a screenshot of the error message. DeepMeerkat is in active development, and benefits greatly from bug reports.

Release Notes

  • v0.0.8: Continued bug fixes for video editing. Better naming of output clips.

  • v0.0.7: Minor bug fixes to video editing. Added useful user settings to the advanced settings screen. Now there is a check box for motion detection only, so users can "revert" back to MotionMeerkat.

  • v0.0.6: Based on feedback from users, I added a video clip option. Instead of outputting individual frames, DeepMeerkat will return .avi files of events. I added some reasonable rules on video duration (> 2 seconds) and combining clips within 20 seconds for ease of organization. Still to do is better integration with the annotations file. Also note that since clips are being generated outside of DeepMeerkat (much faster), one cannot select the overlay annotations or drawing bounding box advanced settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I run motion detection, without image classification, on my videos?

By going to advanced settings and turning "Tensorflow threshold to 1", this effectively eliminates all classification of motion events. Literally what this means is, "Only return frames with a probability of background greater than 1". Since this is not possible, all motion events, regardless of their similarity to training data, are returned.

As of v0.0.7, I have added a Motion Detection Only box in advanced settings. This is faster and avoids loading a tensorflow model that is never used.

Known issues

  • Installing on Mac OSX High Sierra is awkward.


  • Older Windows Versions (> 10) may need a CODEC pack to read a variety of video types. This is still being investigated, but occasionally videos will appear corrupted because DeepMeerkat doesn't have access to the video CODEC to decode them. This can be solved by downloading a codec pack

Codec Link

  • If exiting early from an on-going run, DeepMeerkat needs to be killed from applications manager.

  • Interlaced videos. Some older video cameras combine frames to create interlaced videos. This creates smoother video, but makes the underlying frames difficult to use. This is characteristic of blurred horizontal lines when reviewing frames after running in training mode. I highly suggest not using interlaced video if possible. The good news is that most modern cameras have switched to progressive video.

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