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Bianca van Schaik edited this page Feb 6, 2021 · 5 revisions

Julius is a fully working open-source version of Caesar 3, with the same logic as the original, but with some UI enhancements, that is able to be played on multiple platforms. Julius requires the original assets (graphics, sounds, etc) from Caesar 3 to run.

Julius-specific information

  • Improvements from Caesar 3: Julius adds several mostly visual enhancements.
  • Running Julius: how to get Julius to run
  • Command-line options: a description of the command-line options you can use with Julius.
  • Configuration: Julius contains additional optional behaviours and gameplay changes.
  • Hotkeys: in Julius, you can configure the hotkeys yourself, learn how.
  • MP3 Support: Julius supports playing high-quality MP3 files instead of the regular game music in WAV format.

Additional downloads

When running the game, you might see messages related to missing files:

  • Patches: if your copy of the game has not been patched to version (also known as version 1.1), you will be prompted to install the patch for your language version. Some languages also need additional files to run in Julius which you can also get from here.
  • Editor: using the assignment editor in Julius requires graphics and text files specific to the editor. Some game versions already ship with the editor, if not, you download the files for several languages here.